I don't think that it's essential for brands to link with corporate identity? Stagecoach North East certainly do link their brands to their corporate identity (a recent example being the revised "100 metrocentre" branding), but I can't say it's any more effective than that of Go North East's all-over branding?
I'm a massive fan of Lothian, but can't say that their way of doing things is any more effective than that of Go North East's methods? It would be unfair to even compare the two companies as they are anyway... From what I understand, Lothian is a municipal bus company. How can we compare Lothian to Go North East if Lothian as a company isn't owned in the same way as Go North East? Lothian can afford to invest in new vehicles because the City of Edinburgh Council are paid a sum of money by the UK's Department of Transport for such a purpose?
As we all know, Go North East are increasing the reliability of their fleet by investing in a lot of new vehicles - some of which will also hopefully be Euro 6, when a suitable vehicle has been chosen after demonstrations. I agree wholeheartedly with the points raised about incorrect allocations, and branded vehicles appearing on the wrong service, but surely this isn't a reason for all companies within the North East to come together to form a quality contract? I find it somewhat unorthodox for that suggestion to be made, when there are perhaps better reasons in support of quality contracts being beneficial. This huge investment just shows that management of marketing isn't as bad as you claim. If Go North East are willing to invest in further vehicles to withdraw older vehicles from the fleet and have those vehicles that do hold the corporate livery at present replaced with newer, more reliable examples which are used on branded service work at the moment, can't you see that steps are in place to rectify some of the issues you have made?
Although a lot of brands have been added to the fleet lately, a lot have also been discarded. Examples of this? 24, 64, 95, 96, 9, X25, West Durham... A lot of the brands that have been recently added to the network hold few vehicles to its brand. QEH, S1, Festival NE, X40, Cobalt Connect? Various companies are paying for those buses under the mentioned brands to be branded. Not only must Go North East, Nexus and other bus companies think it's a good idea to brand vehicles, but other companies who are paying for these vehicles to be branded on the services being contracted must also think that! Generally speaking, if we discard the brands being paid for externally rather than by Go North East, the number of brands is in fact decreasing. Points have been raised regarding a number of brands recently, and their relevance to the services which they hold. Go North East have had their reasons for reviving or retaining brands, but examples of these brands weren't ever meant to be permanent. A temporary solution. I think it's highly possible that if brands have vehicles which are holding older vehicles which could be used elsewhere, the brand will receive a more suitable name with newer vehicles or it will go Northern. Think 19 - it had a vehicle upgrade and the irrelevant brand name has gone, and it now holds a sensible brand name which is relevant. Anyone can guess sensibly what may happen in the future, following the new arrival of vehicles to the fleet. They may not be correct, but I can happily say that I agree with some of the suggestions made regarding some brands to see vehicle upgrades etc, with the existing lot being used as "Northern" or being withdrawn completely. This all links in with network branding. I see positive things for the future, and, providing voluntary agreements are put in place rather than quality contracts, they can be fulfilled.
RE: Go North East