(05 May 2014, 5:16 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote Whey you could have been off on holiday already, booked for an interview at college or skint :p haha
haha even if I did book a holiday it would already have been cancelled.
Actually come to think of it, little anecdote. At the end of this month, my whole family are going down to the VIP part of York Races for my Gran & Granda's Golden Wedding. We booked to go and then a few days later my Dad remembered about Gateshead and the play-offs and went into a bit of a panic in case the dates clashed. He checked them and found they didn't. Happy days

(05 May 2014, 5:31 pm)AdamY wrote Well that rules out the train for me. Unless something changes in the next few days it doesn't look like I'll be going down to London for the final.
I've been searching where the works are. There are some works between York and Doncaster, so trains are being diverted. Also, there are some works between Finsbury Park and Kings Cross, but journeys won't be affected by replacement buses. Trains from NCL to KGX will simply take an extra hour to get there because of the diversion. The works do finish at midday though, so returning should be pretty much fine.
The club are making a big announcement about travel tomorrow. Early suggestions seem to be in favour of chartering a train or two, so you could jump on that with us if you wanted to.
Also, the tickets for the match go on sale tomorrow. You have to get them though off Wembley's official website.