The Drifter 60/61 currently interwork at Sunderland to provide a 10 minute combined service as far as New Seaham (every 20 minutes on each route). With the 61 dropping to every 30 minutes, it won't be able to interwork with the 60 anymore.
The times of Sunday 42's have changed too and are dropping from every 15 minutes to every 20 minutes. The pattern of service is similar to the evening time with the 42 splitting at Park Lane. This splitting compliments the times of the 60, so it appears that Sunday daytime 42's and 60's will interwork.
42's arrive at Park Lane at 59/19/39 - 60's leave Park Lane at 07/27/47.
60's arrive at Park Lane at 33/53/13 - 42's leave Park Lane at 37/57/17.
I've been trying to figure out what is happening with the 61. The Sunday daytime service takes slightly longer to complete than the evening pattern of service which can be completed just inside of an hour. The Sunday daytime service takes a round trip of 66 minutes. I can't believe that buses would have a 24 minute wait at Sunderland between runs.
I've been checking all the other routes that serve Sunderland to see if there is a possibility of interworking with 61. The 20, 35's and the 56 will continue to operate every 20 minutes, and the 39 will continue to operate across Sunderland in both directions between Pennywell and Doxford Park. This leaves the 2A/2C. The existing timetable for 2A/2C has buses arriving at Park Lane at 21/51 and leaving at 25/55. The new timetable differs - buses arrive at 26/56 and leave at 20/50.
If 61's arrive at 06/36, they could go onto 2A/2C's at 20/50. This would give drivers enough time to drop off passengers on the arrival stand at Park Lane, then drive empty around to the "main side" and have a small layover period before commencing 2A/2C's. Returning 2A/2C's arriving into Park Lane at 26/56 could go onto 61's at 00/30. Possibility of Silver Arrow Citaros to Murton? The complete banishing of SimpliCity branded vehicles on a Sunday? (if Drifter Versas are used on 42/60, and 26A uses the Northern Versas). Does it also mean that 2A/2C's will drop passengers off at the "Drifter side" of Park Lane because the layover time would only be four minutes? Should be brilliant from an enthusiasts view!