(29 May 2014, 4:42 pm)Dan wrote Is it a Stanley-bound one or a Sunderland-bound one?
If it's the latter, I can't provide an excuse for GNE. If it's the former, then it takes them between 10 and 20 minutes to get down the bank on Chester Road from 16:00 to about 17:00 - every weekday, without fail. The roundabout should be controlled by traffic lights and there should be two lanes for the bank and perhaps it wouldn't cause such hideous traffic each day.
The Stanley bound 775/778 was often regulated around that time of day.
Would come down Chester front street picking up and dropping off but then miss the market place out completely.
No idea if this happens now, but back then (when there wasn't an 8) it was quite a regular occurrence, so there was always a wait. The following bus would be often late too, having been caught in the same queues of traffic out of Sunderland.