(02 Jun 2014, 10:16 am)Michael wrote Shouldn't have to be held at winter time, its a summer tournament , so it should stay there.
I hope they do a re-vote if they are found guilty.
I would liked to see the USA host it or South Korea for 2022.
Reason i used Bold is because you said what i was gonna say.
Known some fans they will go out of the alcohol zone by accident and it will end up bad for them, stuck in their prisons.. no thanks
There's also the problem of covering up fully - in 50c heat, haha that will go down well - you know us English love to walk around with no tops on at 15c!
Building a full new city for the world cup... ye so that's not fishy either!
Whole bids for the 2018/2022 world cup was done by payments.
Whole of FIFA is corrupt
Throughout the whole bid Australia was seen as having the strongest bid, they have not had it before, apart from games kicking off at daft o'clock I think Oz would put a good show on..