Looking at under £400 for accomodation. Which apart from the Wolverhampton part, it will be paid for in advance as at the moment (Subject to price changes) I'll be staying in Travelodges (Wolverhampton, I will be staying in the same hotel I've stayed at for the last 2 years.).
Petrol probably be around £150 to £200 depending on the prices, though prob lower if I drive economically.
Bus fare wise.
Ipswich I will be getting a Plus Bus ticket.
Norwich will be using a multi operator ticket.
South Wales will be using a multi operator ticket.
Bristol and Bath will be using AvonRider.
For West Midlands I be getting a week long pass as it's cheaper than 4 day tickets. That costs around £30. Valid on Metro and Trains.
Merseyside will be using a multi operator ticket. Valid on Trains too.
Manchester will be using a multi operator ticket. Valid on Trains and Metrolink.
But I plan to be in banging the over time over the next few months, and too be honest, won't be having too many days out in the North East over the summer, with any days that I've booked off focused on various bus rallies. Plus a day in Glasgow during the Commonwelth games.
And also Nottingham this coming Thursday.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
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Who needs heroes anyway? Villians have more fun.
Who needs heroes anyway? Villians have more fun.