(04 Jun 2014, 6:15 am)Andreos Constantopolous wrote Neither did I, until seeing it on here and hearing about it elsewhere.
Presumably the aim is to increase competition in the private sector, whilst lowering costs in the public sector.
Get your teeth around this: http://uk.practicallaw.com/2-386-8761?se...blicsector#
Out of interest, do you know if this differs in London?
The results of all tender competitions are published on the TfL website, including the identity of the winner, the number of bids, the value of the winning bid and, where relevant, the reason for not selecting the lowest cost bid.Source: http://sti-india-uttoolkit.adb.org/mod3/se3/005_2.html
Judging by the above quote, the lowest cost bid is not always selected by TfL.