(07 Jun 2014, 7:33 pm)Dan wrote Stagecoach NE used to have the most interesting allocation on Sundays with no ALX300s being allocated, but since the gas buses have been launched (esp. the second batch), it's not particularly interesting anymore.
Gas buses on services 3, 16 and 20 (as usual), and I suspect you'll now see them on service 13 too.
"SUNderland Bus" branded E200s typically allocated to every other service - used to see them on services 3, 16 and 20 prior to gas buses entering service.
The E400s which are usually allocated to the X34 are all allocated to E1/E2/E6 too.
Good chance to get on service 23 to Seaburn too, if you're interested in a ride out.
As for GNE, which has overtaken as most interesting again...
They have the Silver Arrows and SimpliCity 61 interworking, and also the 29A running with SimpliCity Versas. Good chance to photograph Nexus-secured 135/136 which I'm guessing you haven't done already if it's a rare Sunday trip out (should be the two Nexus SRs, but often 628 or a Versa). Services 60/42 also interwork, so you'll see Streetlites on the 42.
Cheers Dan, I was planning on popping along Seaburn to get some Photos along the Coast which was part of the Plan, but it was mainly to catch the Odd Sunday Workings in Sunderland, there is also the 38C isn't there.