(10 Jun 2014, 8:32 pm)aureolin wrote I honestly don't think he intended it to be seen the way it has. I feel for the guy and what he has to deal with daily in the form of autism, but he's learnt the hard way that the www is a vicious place. Some of the comments I've read are both personal and down right shocking. To the point I refuse to repeat.
I agree with you mate, he may function differently to most of us, but surely even he understands that by posting that, he should expect a shit storm to come his way, some people can be downright cruel to people, while I don't think it is right to be cruel to him for the reasons you state, in this instance, he seems to have brought it on himself and football fans can be among the worst group of people to dish out abuse...
I think a mountain is being made out of a molehill, what was probably an innocent enough video has backfired on him big time, he is a good kid at heart, I have time for Baz and genuinely like the lad.
The video is quite funny, but it makes very little sense, I am sure Jack Colback is crapping his kegs at the thought of Bazza booing him [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES]