(13 Jun 2014, 8:33 am)upt50k wrote Pictures of Max spec decker show it as looking very smart but I think this is a lot of money spent on a fairly new bus that looked smart in interurban livery anyway.Arriva now have in effect a three tier layer of service giving the impression that some customers are more important to them than others when I think they should have put their resources into preventative work to ensure the buses do not breakdown in between services This is a current project.Would Service 7 have been a success with just new pulsars in standard livery (without Ray Stennings swoops)? Darlington's X1 does well because they try to be reliable which is a key factor in what customers want.They will tolerate it being a bit late as long as it turns up.Again something that the may independants of the past were noted for.
The white shirts and driver blazers were once the arriva norm until blazers were dropped.The buses should be presented to the highest standard with all damage repaired asap and to a good finish(not roughly filled and poorly painted) whether they are new or old.
Arriva have changed Day Tickets to Routesavers something which does not roll off the tongue.Customers still call them Day TIckets or Day riders (inherited from Stagecoach) and seldom refer to them as Savers.Seemed a waste of more money to me. What do others think.
Totally agree UPT!