Changes to Sunday daytime Service 23 journeys from Sunday 16 June 2013
Between approximately 1100 and 1700, these Sunday daytime buses will be extended from Dene Estate, and will additionally serve Seaburn Morrisons.
In Dene Estate, these Sunday daytime trips will operate from the Blue Bell junction via Station Road, Alston Crescent, Dovedale Road, Dykelands Road and Whitburn Road. Buses will return via this route reversed. As a result, these Sunday daytime journeys will not observe the bus stops along Dene Lane.
Although there will be some minor timing changes, basic frequencies will continue unchanged, with buses during Sunday daytimes running up to every 30 minutes.
The timetable for Service 23 during Monday to Saturday daytimes, as well as all evening journeys on this route, will continue to operate unchanged.
Minor change to Services 10 and 11 from mid-June 2013 With the opening of Borough Road to 2-way bus movements, customers for Services 10 and 11 towards Grangetown should board their bus on Borough Road, rather than Fawcett Street or Athenaeum Street.
Times continue unchanged. - No changes but here's the timetable
RE: Stagecoach North East
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.