(10 Jul 2014, 9:24 pm)aureolin wrote I'd say so. Being a legal response to an FOI and based on the dictionary definition of 'solely'. Indicates that there's a bit of a communication breakdown doesn't it? Enthusiasts photographing B5LHs off route on a daily basis.
I think it's what is called a "communication breakdown" in the commercial world.It would certainly appear from the FOI response that the data isn't being recorded, whether that be by the operator or the DfT.
I think we all know that it's certainly not "solely". Why would there be so many enthusiast photos of them off route if that's the case? It's something that needs further investigation in my opinion. If it's as others are suggesting, then it certainly doesn't do the case for QCS any harm...
I am going to be careful how I word this next post...
There is no arguing that the buses have been seen off route - photographic evidence proves it has happened on more than one occasion.
The next outcome, needs to identify who is at fault.
ANE, who could be accused of defrauding the fund and taxpayer (intentionally or not) OR someone in the DfT, has incorrectly recorded data.
I feel someone has a duty to report the 'mistakes' to the relevant bodies.
It may turn out to be the tip of the iceberg, as ANE aren't the only ones to receive funding based on certain promises or conditions.