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I know we've got a thread for Cameras, but i thought I'd go ahead and create one for photography.

I personally tend to only photograph buses, but I know others tend to do a lot more than that. Although I quite often go through spells where I've got absolutely no enthusiasm to go out and take some shots.

When I'm out and about I'm keen to try and capture buses in as many different places as possible. I'm not a massive fan of bus station photography for two reasons: It tends to cause a lot of hassle (bus station management etc), and I personally find it difficult to just through photo after photo taken at the same spot. I don't mean to cause offence to anyone by that, it's just preference. Equally some people will dislike photos taken on route.

What's everyone else's preferences? What's people's favourite spots to shoot from? Has anyone had any bother?
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RE: Photography
RE: Photography
RE: Photography
RE: Photography
RE: Photography