I don't take photos of vehicles, never have done - but like looking at them.
My preference has always been 'on-route' photos, especially older ones - not only to try and identify locations and what has changed over the years, but also the different types of vehicles that have been and gone, some even unique or different to the other.
There is also the socio side of it that interests me - there might be a National driving alongside Wearmouth Colliery with its blind set to 'Workmen' or 'Miners Special' or a VR driving over the duck egg blue Tyne Bridge driven by an old man with a tab hanging out of his mouth, being followed by a 'dog turd' brown Ford Cortina with a chrome front bumper.
That isn't knocking anyone else, their topic, their location or the photo's they take - it's just the older ones aren't as common.
One of the many photographers sticking a Simplicity in Park Lane on a cloudy day onto their flckr - is just the same as someone else taking a photo of the same brand on a sunny day. There are millions of them out there, not much more unique than the last.
Maybe it's just me harking back to a bygone age and I will look at the Versa off route in the same nostaglic eye in twenty years time, who knows...
by Adrian
02 Jul 2013, 5:10 pm
RE: Photography
by Andreos1
02 Jul 2013, 5:55 pm
RE: Photography
by Dan
02 Jul 2013, 6:25 pm
RE: Photography
by Adrian
02 Jul 2013, 7:37 pm
RE: Photography
by Andreos1
02 Jul 2013, 6:34 pm
RE: Photography
by MurdnunoC
03 Jul 2013, 5:54 pm
RE: Photography
by Adrian
04 Jul 2013, 10:23 pm