(15 Sep 2014, 8:36 pm)NEBCD Malarkey wrote I basically went from Hetton to the stop before the Terminus where the 35 has a Layover Period, Took a Photo and then wenr back to Hetton as time was getting on, I did like the view out of the window of 35 as it turned at the Terminus though, despite it being a Very Tight U-Turn for a Citaro, As said in my Previous Post I shall make a Return along that way, don't Recall seeing a Football Ground at all, but then again I was having a bit natter with the Driver as I was sitting at the Front and I was the only Passenger.
Been to a few other spots over past few weeks to take Photos including what is listed below, Did the ones around Washington on my Bike, still wouldn't mind a some more Photos around the Washington Area though, And I'm over South Shields on Wednesday for an Interview, so hopefully I will find a few different spots there also before and after that.
Doxford Park
Tunstall Bank
Usworth College/Stephenson Road
Coach Road Estate
Washington Village
Brady Square
As you come out of the bus station and turn right, the football ground is on your right hand side, as you go down the dip/s-bend.
There are some interesting angles and as it is 'olde worlde' for that small stretch (up to the junction with the pub/Hetton School), some interesting shots are possible.