(26 Sep 2014, 6:06 pm)Robert wrote I had a language, humanities and 2 of our choice to have so i chose plus the amount of lessons i have of each per week:
Spanish - 3 lessons per week
History - 2 lessons per week
BTEC Business - 3 lessons per week
Graphics - 3 lessons per week
Then for core subjects:
English - 4 lessons per week
Science - 4 lessons per week
Maths - 3 lessons per week
RE - 2 lessons per week
PE (core - not GCSE PE or BTEC Sport) - 1 lesson per week
I love History, and if bus driving doesn't work out for me (or any of my random career choices, for that matter), I'd love to be a History Teacher. Thing is, at Park View, if you're a History Teacher, you teach mainly History, but end up being warped into Geography, R.E., and Explore too.
I've always said,
'You have to recreate the past to be able to envision the future'.