(06 Oct 2014, 8:25 pm)Dan wrote I remember reading a statement from one of the writers justifying showing the 'rape scene' pre-watershed.
They quoted that Linda being left on the table like a slab of meat was enough for 'older' viewers to understand what had happened, whilst younger viewers wouldn't think anything of it.
I have previously stated that it irritated me somewhat that all of these people were coming out as having been victims of child abuse by celebrities when they were younger, so long on from the event when evidence of it will be minimal. However, I do think it's really important that these 'issues' are tackled on TV in my opinion. Soaps are supposed to reflect real life, and this is a real life issue, so it certainly raises awareness of the issue and educates viewers too. Hopefully it gives fairly recent rape victims the confidence to come forward about their experience...
There are all sorts of justifications or reasons for doing something - and I am a massive fan of the media being used as some sort of tool to help or encourage others, whether it is rape or an illness/disease of some type.
However, regardless of how long ago something happened with the celebrities and the allegations of assault, I hope the constant news coverage has encouraged victims to come forward.
As, as for the writer justifying that scene...
Linda picking her knickers off the floor would have probably been understood by many - regardless of age.
Ofcom have stated there have been a number of complaints re last nights scene.
Without getting into the numbers complaining versus the total number of viewers debate - I am not a prude by any stretch of the imagination and have had a non-sheltered life, experiencing/witnessing a number of things, that I wouldn't wish on anyone. I was taken aback by the scene last night, so can only begin to imagine the impact it has had on others (good or bad).
It didn't leave much to the imagination and I am pleased, that my eldest son didn't see the scene.