Don't know if this would work, but just a thought: -
Service 2C - No Change
Service 2A - Washington Galleries - Waterview Park(via A1231) - Teal Farm - Pattinson Industrial Estate - Washington Arts Centre - then current route
Benefits: -
* More direct links to Waterview Park from the Galleries
* Teal Farm to get a more frequent and direct service to the Galleries.
* Teal Farm would now have one bus an hour to the Galleries and Sunderland on Evenings and Sundays - something which has been lacking for years now!
* Workers in Pattinson Industrial Estate would have a more frequent and direct bus service to the Galleries - another area which is poorly served at present.
* Workers who may live in Fatfield and work at Waterview Park would have a more direct and frequent service - cutting journey times and may encourage people to leave the car at home and take the bus.
People who wish to travel via Biddick and Sunderland could alternatively use Service 73.
RE: Go North East Service Suggestions