(09 Nov 2014, 8:58 am)Dan wrote Completely missed this entire discussion...
I'm not a huge fan of South Park, though I do dip in and out of Futurama every now and again.
I used to love The Simpsons as a kid, and I occasionally watch it now when channel-flicking and often think "How do they air this, when kids are their target audience?" due to some of the references made, but I'm not a huge fan. Some episodes of Family Guy and American Dad can be pretty good, others I sit there and think that it's the worst 20-odd minutes of my life. I quite liked The Cleveland Show too - admittedly not as much as Family Guy or American Dad. I also tend to watch Bob's Burgers whenever I remember about it.
Les looks rather guilty at the moment, doesn't he?!
On another note - I know Bob the Builder has previously been discussed in this(?) thread, so thought this may be worth a read for some.
Jesus.... wtf happened to kids shows!
Me too, i also wonder what Les done?... maybe they just teasing for the Lucy Beale murder!