(29 Nov 2014, 11:22 pm)mb134 wrote Totally agree they shouldn't be doing it, however I can see why they do. If Arriva had used an ounce of common sense they would have realised that, if you use buses that have been hammered on the X18 (or previous versions) or X93, on a route that is still quite demanding, you're going to have problems...
I didn't actually see one MAX vehicle on the X14, and at least one was missing from the X15. This isn't really acceptable. Especially when at least one MAX bus was on the X21/X22. I can see why they do it, but thye shouldn't as passengers on the X14 are getting a battered old bus, when they should be getting a modern bus with leather seats and wifi, something they aren't getting.
The X21/X22 should, without doubt, have an additional spare, but I'm not sure where they can get it from.