(28 Jun 2013, 2:19 pm)Liam wrote More than likely, this is a re-brand to remove the bad rap associated with the heritage brand existent on those Prestige. The use of the word 'heritage' alone, to most, would suggest breakdowns and unreliability. Its hardly an ideal colour to replicate on Scania's either. The Prestige's have a far more heritage feel to them, with the bodywork alone. The lines and curves on the Scania's don't really fall into that design scope. The brand in its existing form couldn't be pulled off on a Scania. It would essentially be a clash of old and new(ish), without a modern twist.
I think the branding on 4847 is the way to go. 28/28A doesn't need a brand really if it wasn't for the fact it serves the museum. So I'd drop Waggonway and go either Northern Red or the plum colour and keep it Beamish branded.
Only other thing would be all red Northern General in Gold lettering on one side with the Beamish ad on the other side