My personal view is it's mostly useless. A bit once in a while would probably do good, but I absolutely hated it and never did the bits I didn't like! (I was a very good liar then).
At the end of the day, I have decent GCSEs (all 11.5 grade C-A) and I'm currently in a job (well, apprenticeship) in the industry I've longed to work in for ages which is the railway. Met osme great people and I'm gaining invaluable experience which will, fingers crossed, help me to get a guard (trainman) job - of which one is coming up in the New Year.
I've always been against the opinion that qualifications are everything - in most of the railway, it's experience that counts. Qualifications are essentially bits of paper to prove you've passed an exam; how this will help you in real life I don't know! Also going on from this I have a bigger disliking of universities. Grr!
RE: What's annoying you today? V2