(09 Dec 2014, 6:50 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote Jesus that's brilliant!
Ya know how me n'you have grown quite close over the past 6 months, what with meh giving you advise about your Arkansassy woman!
Nah take whoever you want!- enjoy it!
Thanks. I'm sure I will. I'm still undecided as to when to go, but I do love the HST train, so if I can get say the 7:57 down from NCL to KGX and the 20:00 back up, then that would be great

I still haven't seen a Borismaster in the flesh yet, so it would also be great if I could twok a ride on one of them. Certainly a lot of planning to do haha.
(09 Dec 2014, 7:05 pm)Andreos1 wrote Go during the week, whatever you do. On the slowest train possible.
If you time it right, you should get a breakfast and daytime meal out of it going down.
Never worked out the best time to come back.
Hope for delays or overhead wire problems and milk 1st class for all it is worth.
You should get at least two servings and sit as close to the kitchen as possible - you will be served first and get first choice on the menu!
Certainly a lot to think about.
I don't know if I can go during the week with uni and that. I get most Wednesday's off but I usually find myself either doing assignments or other work, so it will have to be on a weekend. Also, I don't get a February half-term holiday, instead having an extra week at Easter, but I'm not sure if the tickets are still valid for then. They should be. I'll have to read the T&Cs.