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Stagecoach North East: Latest News & Discussion - December 2012

Stagecoach North East: Latest News & Discussion - December 2012

NEB Admin Team
RE: Stagecoach North East
Cheers Dan! It makes me feel so old realising that service 12 is now over 6 years old, I remember when it was first introduced like it was yesterday! Barely changed since! It sparked retaliation by Go North East who increased the 33 to every 7/8 minutes, but dropped the 42 to every 15 minutes which wasn't a popular decision for 42 folk.

I forgot that Stagecoach once used to run evening 36C's, I had remembered it being Veolia instead but I think that was later on.

I've got some old Stagecoach Sunderland timetables too at the bottom of this page too! -

Sadly the timetables I wanted (5 to Boldon ASDA) (21 Thorney Close - South Bents) and E3 (Sunderland - South Shields) didn't work Sad

Also the trial North Estates Dayrider which had already been extended until 31 December 2012 will now continue into 2013, where it will remain at £23 until the annual fares review in Spring -