(04 Jan 2015, 5:53 pm)Malarkey wrote Did you guys ever play Bulldog when you were at School.
I think I remember that in primary school.
Hide-and-seek tig was the one my friends and I used to play - after lunch we'd go out on the huge field and run ourselves into the ground.
The fact that it was so big, you didn't even need to hide - just blend in with the others.
Mind it wasn't always fun. Let me tell you a story...
I was hiding with a group of others near a huge oak tree at the very top of the field, in a long line of them. The kid who was on was looking around and saw us, but one of us did a runner down to one of the football goals. He ran out of breath, and assuming he'd outran the kid who was on, he stopped.
Bad move on his part. The kid who was on ran into him in a rugby tackle and they both wound up in the goal and held him on the ground for some reason before pulling him to his feet. I mentioned they were in a football goal? The rabbit who had been caught by the fox got hit by the ball - right in the face.
Nose started gushing with blood...the old games can be unintentionally brutal!