(04 Jan 2015, 7:41 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote I'm off for just the one day tomorrow, both parents are back to work (they currently look like zombies). So, my grandma, who lives at the other end of our housing estate, has us for the day (me and my sister). I reckon my mam will drop me and my sister along there just before 09:00 when she starts work, so if I have some breakfast, I can leave her house at 09:30 and get into Chester to catch the 09:56 #X2 to Durham, then if it gets there for 10:15, I can float around at that nice little spot up at the top to take some photos and get a #21 back or something?
It's well worth getting a P&R day ticket, and having a ride around on the PR1 and PR2. There's some good shots for photos along route, and with the P&R stations being unmanned, you'll get no bother taking photos on site. All three have good spots opposite to get shots.
(04 Jan 2015, 7:54 pm)Tom wrote North Road and the Roundabout is better.
Hate the spot in the bus station.
I quite like some of the 'over the wall' shots from the bus station, as the church in the background looks quite good for the layover stands. North Road is decent, but I bet you could also get some good shots from the foot bridges too, with a good lens in hand. I quite like Church Street, over by the science site, and the sports centre just down the bank too.
(04 Jan 2015, 8:07 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote I suppose it's just a feeling of uneasiness. I'm fairly new to the photography side of things, so I suppose it may just me a while. haha
Don't let it put you off mate. People are more than likely just curious as to what you're doing, but it's very rare that anyone will take it further other than looking at you. If you feel really uneasy, try and join some others when they're out and about over the weekend, as it's definitely easier in groups. There's always someone off here out on the weekend.
I'm not a huge fan of having trips around by myself, if I don't know the place well at all. Hence not getting any Teesside Sapphires on route, as I have no idea what any areas down there are like. I'm fine with it up in Tyne and Wear, as I know where to have my witts about me!

(04 Jan 2015, 8:25 pm)tyresmoke wrote I quite like this spot in Durham, as they come out under the viaduct - https://www.flickr.com/photos/61391443@N02/8136239071
Yeah, that's a really good spot too, but it's probably seasonal! It should be perfect during the Spring/Summer, when the sun is high in the sky.