(05 Jan 2015, 11:20 am)MurdnunoC wrote Thanks for the advice.
Although this is way out of my league (as of yet), I would like to produce shots which could be 'blown-up' like a large print picture. From what I understand, if this is attempted using a 'normal' camera, shots have a tendency to become distorted and pixelated when enlarged. Will taking shots with a DSLR prevent this from happening?
The quality of the enlarged photograph depends on the largest image size your chosen camera would permit. The 'large' setting on my Nikon D5100 allows photographs to be 4928x3264 pixels in size, which is quite large and allows for enough scope for the photographs to be cropped whilst maintaining quality. The same applied to my old Panasonic DMC-TZ40 Point & Shoot.
Last year, Go North East approached me to ask if they could use some of my photographs in their Riverside Depot. There was two A1-size frames, with enough space for an A2-size photograph within each frame. The photographs that Go North East selected were of the Wearmouth and Tyne Bridges, containing some of Go North East's fleet in them. As you can imagine, if the quality of these photographs was not good enough, they wouldn't have been put up, due to the large amount of people who go into Riverside. The Fab56 was taken with my Nikon D5100 and the QuayLink was taken with my Panasonic DMC-TZ40, but both retained the quality at such a large size.
You won't be able to make it out very well - but photographs of both frames attached.