(15 Jul 2013, 5:40 pm)CatsFast101 wrote Someone pointing out a very valid point on Go North East's Facebook page. There is no Peterlee-Airshow bus this year meaning theses from Peterlee & Easington have no bus through to Sunderland on the Sunday due to the X35/X7 not running. It seems a bit careless to not put this link in.
Personally I think these airshow buses are bit daft in my personal opinion, especially as pointed out the bus are simply just running existing routes but then extending on. I would run all services as normal. On Sunday I'd run the 35C as far as Houghton only with X35 running a special service between Peterlee-Sunderland (or even just as far as Houghton). With a special A1 bus running Interchange-Seaburn Park every 7/8 minutes or even every 5 minutes if there's demand.
It's a strange decision to say the least. Who actually pays for the airshow shuttles? I assume they're not ran commercially...