But that wouldn't be enough for WSS. They currently have 14 MPD's, with only 8 Saltwell Park. However unless the M2/M3 are getting bigger buses with W5/W6 keeping MPD's? Or the simplicity Versa could be temporay on the 61 until StreetLites arrive then 5 drifter Versas go to 61. The Saltwell park & spare simplicity Versas go to WSS that would give them 13 buses, with 3 drifter Versa's spare- so one could go to WSS, giving them their 14 buses, with 2 buses going northern or to somewhere else?
RE 26:- Yeah I know there are contract changes, but if the simplicity Versa's are on the 2A/2C/61, there won't be enough for the 26A.
RE: Go North East