Ah, i thought the diversion would of being over by now its being weeks, is it because the new houses are getting built, that they on a diversion
Would like to see all companies run their own buses, its stupid how stagecoach ended up running the 39 on a night and other companies running other services
These are GNE services ran by other companies:17/17A,19,26A,37,38,M2A/M3A
Stagecoach 5/5A (Sunderland) are secured services, im sure i read they won a 5 year contract with them, i dont know when this ends but when it does, i bet GNE or Arriva will get it
They should withdraw the 135/136 and replace it with your idea of a 99A, i really don't see y NEXUS are running the 135/136 because no one gets on, NEXUS dont like other peoples idea's... Imagine if NEXUS start running all our buses... it would be a disaster
RE: Service Suggestions
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.