(09 Feb 2015, 8:59 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote Okay, I have a true thing happened about two weeks ago.
In my school we have a link - known as 'the link' (no surprise!) and on a morning me and my friends sit there. Me and a friend are normally the first ones in at 08:15 - and there is typically half a dozen of us by 08:25. I remember a great big fat Year 11 bitch came in (she's known for rampages) and her sister, also fat, in Year 9 - had fallen out with her. I mean, fallen out with her. Big style (pun intended). She was telling her sister to go and dive off a cliff and land on the rocks of hell. Most of us were sniggering, and and then as she turned away from her sister she slipped. PAHAHAHAHAH
It was a bit cruel of me to burst into laughter, and I quickly shut up before she came over and killed me. She slowly got back to her feet and BANG - she goes down again - faceplants the hard cold floor!!! I know it's absolutely awful but I was almost crying, not at the fact that she fell over but because a teacher had been standing out of sight laughing his backside off...
Don't talk about your mum like that