In regards to your last comment, plans aren't going to change for the Coasters just because of the reliability of other vehicles for a different brand. Chester's engineers can deal with the issues in-house and send out one of their 25 "Northern" branded vehicles to cover for it. I'm fairly sure we had the rumour confirmed that the "Coaster" brand was just being updated, and I speculated that red Omnicity 5261 would join the brand also to provide the additional vehicle required by the upcoming service 1/service 24 changes. Who knows... there may even be one or two more plans in place too?
I don't use the 50 that regularly, but I know those Scanias aren't too pleasant to ride when it's a hot day, and then they suffer from additional problems because of the heat also. The brand was fairly expensive to produce, so I don't see them getting rid of the Scanias for a while yet when other brands/vehicles are of greater priority.
RE: Go North East