The reasons I decided to upgrade was because I was having difficulties catching photos of moving buses with them often blurring especially in winter so this has been leading me to take less ambitious shots and just take photos where buses aren't really moving (bus stations and timing points) to increase the chance of catching the bus especially for odd workings, a few times over the last month I've read the ANE rare & odd workings thread and seen non Sapphire buses on the 7 and to make sure I got a photo of the working I had to go to Aycliffe Town Centre for the shot and I think the novelty factor of seeing photos in Newton Aycliffe has worn off now.
Another reason is some of the photos image quality was not great some of the time.
I am looking forward to getting my Nikon D5100 but sadly I won't have it for tomorrow morning so I'll have to use my Sony camera tomorrow which is annoying as the battery probably won't last the full day.
RE: Cameras