(14 Feb 2015, 5:33 pm)MrFozz wrote Same with most places has it's good areas and bad areas...I happen to live in a bad area, the whole of East Durham is a shithole, lol with probably one of the most poverty-stricken areas in Britain, possibly also Western Europe
Not much an East Durham expert, can't tell you the last time I went that way from Durham.
What annoys me though, is that Tommy has probably visited Chester-le-Street a handful of times in his life, and got an impression after watching scruffy people standing on the stalls in the market (which, may I add, is, while manned by a lot of scruffy people, a staple to the area in my opinion) and just assumed we are all like that.
I'd like to second what Adam says, if you venture out and explore parts of an area - you'll soon find only a small minority of it's population is what ruins the area itself due to stereotyping.
I could say the same about Ashington, but I've decided not to on account of the fact that I don't live there, go there often, or associate with people from there.