(19 Feb 2015, 9:53 pm)Robert wrote Well... theres the basic chav and then there is you. Its not as brilliant as yours but ha whey, had to tryThis one is nee better. I haven't got that sort of brain!
Anyway, was she good to ride? Bet she bounced quite a lot too on some of the roads - find the Handy Drive quite run (further along past the depot towards Newcastle, don't know if it is still called that along there). I'll finish off the Angel hybrids too if you like?
Anyhoo...what you been up to here? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-31542496
Cheeky tw@t....

Yes, she was superb - well worth the 90p I paid for her! I didn't take much notice I just made the most of the 18 minutes....

I swear to god that was not me it was probably uktransportvideos82...he seems to like the swans!