Seem as I kept ending up back at the home page when I tried posting this last night.
Right, yesterday was my first day out with my new camera - it was a long day as I'd not really had chance to get any practice with my camera before yesterday so I was all over the place not knowing what to do, not knowing which setting to have it in and when to press the shutter down to take the shot. Failed to catch many buses as it was taking ages to focus so by the time it took the shot I ended up with the front of the bus either just in shot or not in shot at all. So it hasn't been a total success then although I got some good shots (most of them are where buses weren't moving). I have it in sports mode at the moment and I've not touched any of the other settings yet as I have pretty much no clue what any of it means.
I have changed some of the settings since yesterday which will hopefully improve things. If anyone has any advice on how to maybe help me improve things with my new camera I would like to hear.
Photos from yesterday can be seen here:
RE: Cameras