(12 Aug 2013, 5:56 pm)park5354 wrote Some of the changes:-
Mon-Fri 1510 from Jarrow leaves at 1513 and runs 3 mins later.
Mon-Fri 1922 from Sunderland withdrawn.
Mon-Fri 1852 from Sunderland runs normal route
Saturday 1852/1922 from Sunderland run normal route.
Mon-Fri 0535 from Chester runs 5 mins earlier and starts from CLS depot.
Saturday 0535/0635 from Chester runs 5 mins earlier.
Saturday 0747/0842 start from Chester Depot(not South Burns).
Mon-Sat 1917 Chester-Galleries trip withdrawn.
1720 from Langley Park will run 10 mins later at 1730.
Mon-Thursday 2005/2105/2205 from Langley Park, and 2032/2132/2232 will run by Stanley Travel under contract to DCC.
Mon-Fri 1645/1705 from Durham will be replaced by a trip at 1655.
Mon-Fri 1745 from Langley will run 10 mins later at 1755.
Mon-Fri 28A 0629 from CLS will start Pelton Aged Miners at 0646.
Sunday 28 1750 from CLS withdrawn.
Sunday 28 1850 from Newcastle withdrawn.
Sat 1735 Durham-Stanley withdrawn.
Sunday 1011 til 1611 trips from Durham will leave at 09 and run 2 mins earlier throughout.
Mon-Fri 1840 Newcastle-Stanley withdrawn.
Mon-Fri 1652 from Durham will terminate at Pickering Nook RE 1749.
Sat 1750 from Durham will run as a 43 as far as Stanley, then as a 44.
Sunday 1041 til 1641 trips will leave Durham 2 mins earlier at 39 mins past each hour and run 2 mins earlier throughout.
Mon-Fri 0649 from Consett will run 5 mins earlier at 0649.
Mon-Fri 1900 from Newcastle withdrawn.
Mon-Thursday 2315 from Consett to R Gill withdrawn.
Sat 1734 from Consett will 10 mins later at 1744.
Sat 1900 from Newcastle withdrawn.
Sunday 2115 from Consett withdrawn.
Sunday 2215 from Newcastle withdrawn.
Mon-Fri 0740 from Newcastle will start at Shotley Bridge at 0828.
Mon-Fri 0639 from Consett withdrawn.
Mon-Fri 1754 from Consett withdrawn.
Sat 1840 from Newcastle will run 10 mins later at 1850.
Mon-Fri 1444 from Blackhall Mill now run on Schooldays.
Sat 1653 Durham-S Shields withdrawn.
Sat 1723 Durham-Chester withdrawn.
New Sat trip 1706 Durham-S Shields.
Sat 1553 South Shields-Durham will terminate at Chester 1705.
Mon-Fri 1738 from Durham will terminate Boldon Asda.
Sunday 1538 S Shields-Durham will terminate at Chester 1648.
Sunday 1707 Durham-S Shields withdrawn.
NEW Sunday trip 1740 Chester-S Shields.
Mon-Fri 0605/0643 Chester-Houghton withdrawn.
NEW Mon-Fri trip from Chester at 0615.
Mon-Fri 0607/0707 from Houghton withdrawn.
NEW Mon-Fri trip from Houghton at 0637.
Sat 0720/1645 from Chester withdrawn.
Sat 0744/1713 from Houghton withdrawn.
Sat 0817 from Chester will leave at 0819.
Sat 1820 from Chester will leave at 1817.
Sat 0841 from Houghton will leave at 0843.
NEW Sat trip at 0801 Woodstone Village to Chester.
Mon-Fri 0630 V1 withdrawn
Sat 0715 V1 withdrawn
0639 Mon-Fri to Stanley will terminate at consett
2001 Mon-Sat to consett continues from consett to durham as SERVICE 15
0659 Mon-Fri wallsend to cramlington withdrawn
1625 Mon-Fri to cramlington will run 10 mins later
0646 Sat north tyneside hospital to cramlington will terminate at Benton ASDA
0823 Sat from whitley bay will start from percy main
0724 Mon-Fri wallsend to whitley bay will start at Tynemouth road/Howden Lane and run 5 mins later
0753 Mon-Fri from cramlington will start at the Dudley hotel
1525 Mon-Fri from cramlington will run 10 mins later
1616 Mon-Fri from Benton ASDA withdrawn
0809 Sat from Wiltshire drive will start from Benton ASDA
0919 Sat from Wiltshire drive will run 10 mins earlier
1523 Sat from cramlington will run 10 mins later
1736 Sat from Benton ASDA will terminate at percy main
1711 Mon-Fri to coundon will run 5 mins later and terminate at bishop Auckland
1746 Mon-Fri to coundon withdrawn
1719 Mon-Fri to woodhouse close will run 8 mins later and terminate at bishop Auckland
1746 Mon-Fri to woodhouse close withdrawn
0745 Mon-Fri from bishop Auckland will run from spennymoor on school days and terminate at the uni of durham
1710 Mon-Fri from bishop Auckland will run 1 min earlier and terminate at nevilles cross
1744 Mon-Fri from bishop Auckland will run 1 min later
18/19/20/2138 Mon-Sat from bishop Auckland will run 3 mins earlier
1704 Sat from bishop Auckland will run 2 mins later
1734 Sat from bishop Auckland will run 1 min later
1804 Sat from bishop Auckland withdrawn
0737 Sun from bishop Auckland withdrawn
08-1137 Sun from bishop Auckland 1 min earlier
12-2039 Sun from bishop Auckland 1 min later
2239 Sun from bishop Auckland withdrawn
0705 Mon-Fri from Eldon square withdrawn
20/103 Mon-Sat from Eldon square will run 3 mins earlier
0820 Sat Durham-Bishop Auckland will run 5 mins later
08-1103 Sun Durham-Bishop Auckland will run 1 min earlier
12-2006 Sun Durham-Bishop Auckland will run 4 mins earlier
22/308 Sun Durham-Bishop Auckland withdrawn
1809 Mon-Fri to Durham will run 3 mins later
1824 Mon-Fri to Durham will run 8 mins later
1844 Mon-Fri to Durham withdrawn
1905 Mon-Fri to Durham will run 3 mins earlier
19/2035/05 Mon-Fri to Durham will run 5 mins earlier
0733 Sat CLS to Durham withdrawn
0755 Sat to Durham withdrawn
Mon-Fri 0854 Jarrow-lukes lane withdrawn