(17 Jul 2017, 6:26 pm)MrFozz wrote Thanks guys...
The could not have gone better, exactly how I wanted it to go...
Marrying the girl of my dreams and watching my gorgeous (step)daughter being one hell of a bridesmaid.
I have even won over my mother-in-law and actually saw her crying at one point, to hear her say she was proud of me actually stunned me as she once quite openly said she wanted me dead and we did not get on for nearly a year...So once she realised I wasn't going anywhere, I won her over...
Also hearing her Dad say he felt like he 'gained a son'
I know I was wanting a Routemaster as transport, but once the Tiger Cub, it was perfect [emoji23]
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Pleased to hear that buddy, Hope you had a Lovely Day!
Congrats from me