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Bus Related Outings and Reviews

Bus Related Outings and Reviews

RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(08 May 2015, 7:31 pm)Jimmi wrote Well seem as the weather forecast for Carlisle is terrible and Sean has now bailed on me I have decided to rethink tomorrow's outing and do a trip on Teesside instead.

Not sure what to do yet but I will probably just do a random trip on Teesside.

Any Teesside suggestions?

Will probably do Carlisle one Saturday in June now.

Possibly a 7 to Yarm or 15 to Ingleby Barwick then a 17 to Middlesbrough so you can ride the Cadets?
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
Don't think I'm very accessible tomorrow as I'm on an early finishing at 1310... Starting 0647 at Easington til 1058 then 1155 29 to Marton and back

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Service Manager, Coatham Connect

RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(08 May 2015, 7:33 pm)Tom wrote Possibly a 7 to Yarm or 15 to Ingleby Barwick then a 17 to Middlesbrough so you can ride the Cadets?

Could do. Don't know Ingleby Barwick but should be okay if I do a quick look on Google Maps I could probably do it.

See what happens tomorrow.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(08 May 2015, 7:40 pm)Jimmi wrote Could do. Don't know Ingleby Barwick but should be okay if I do a quick look on Google Maps I could probably do it.

See what happens tomorrow.

Everything stops at Tesco which is probably the best landmark - all use the same stop

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Service Manager, Coatham Connect

RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(08 May 2015, 7:31 pm)Jimmi wrote Well seem as the weather forecast for Carlisle is terrible and Sean has now bailed on me I have decided to rethink tomorrow's outing and do a trip on Teesside instead.

Not sure what to do yet but I will probably just do a random trip on Teesside.

Any Teesside suggestions?

Will probably do Carlisle one Saturday in June now.

The 45 tomorrow is presently down to be VAG606R - a rare chance to see that on something other than 88 or X56.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(08 May 2015, 7:54 pm)Jimmi wrote Looks easy enough, may include there.

The connection between 15 and 17 doesn't really work though as it misses by 7 mins heading towards Middlesbrough, though this can be done by (crossing the road) connecting at the Teal Arms... 15 mins towards Yarm but this is only one an hour of course.

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Service Manager, Coatham Connect

RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(08 May 2015, 8:01 pm)Kuyoyo wrote The 45 tomorrow is presently down to be VAG606R - a rare chance to see that on something other than 88 or X56.

Quite fancy a ride on that, if it is indeed out tomorrow think I'll head up to Billingham on it.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(08 May 2015, 7:31 pm)Jimmi wrote Well seem as the weather forecast for Carlisle is terrible and Sean has now bailed on me I have decided to rethink tomorrow's outing and do a trip on Teesside instead.

Not sure what to do yet but I will probably just do a random trip on Teesside.

Any Teesside suggestions?

Will probably do Carlisle one Saturday in June now.

Apologies! Be best another time though. Carlisle is a moody city already without rain and fog. Big Grin

Mid-late June would be best for me as I'm on holiday the first couple of weeks. Plus I will have been paid after the 15th.
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[Image: 0a85ed5b4e97324e338555472f222830.png]
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(08 May 2015, 8:07 pm)northern156 wrote Apologies! Be best another time though. Carlisle is a moody city already without rain and fog. Big Grin

Mid-late June would be best for me as I'm on holiday the first couple of weeks. Plus I will have been paid after the 15th.

I know Carlisle is terrible in bad weather, I found that out the last time I was there, thought we needed a boat not an Omnicity Big Grin

May have to be Saturday June 27th as I may be busy on the 20th.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
Right I have come up with a plan for tomorrow.

I have decided to sample some of the Stagecarriage services on Teesside especially hope that VAG606R is indeed out on the 45.

Find out the rest of my outing when I post my review tomorrow evening Smile
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
Well I've got my favourite Streetlite this morning Smile 
29 was done for 1911 when I left but may get swapped
.jpg image.jpg

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Service Manager, Coatham Connect

RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(09 May 2015, 12:35 pm)Jimmi wrote Well I have just had an awful experience in Guisborough which has left me feeling a bit shaken. Find out what happened in my review tonight.

I am okay, feeling better now I am on the 5 back to Middlesbrough.

I hope you feel better soon mate 
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
Well seem as the weather forecast for Carlisle was... well wet and Sean had bailed on me, I decided it would be better to do Carlisle another day and instead decided on a trip on Teesside.

0920 5 Dandy Cart - Harrowgate Hill, Ashleigh House (Arriva 1509)
To start off this is not my local bus stop but it was where I was starting off today. Was pretty much on-time (makes a change) and because the weather was terrible at this point there was not many on so it made for a quiet relaxing journey... until we got to Shafto House where a chav boarded and sat at the back with the other chav who he appeared to know. That's all I can say about this journey as the remainder of this journey falls outside of the forum rules so I can't say what happened on the rest of the journey (bad language).

0950 X66 Harrowgate Hill, Elmcroft - Middlesbrough Bus Station (Arriva 4655)
With the 5 surprising being early I managed to have a stroll to this stop to catch the X66 to Middlesbrough. Quite enjoyed this journey as I got to use the WiFi to catch up with what was going on the world (wide web) and I got to sit back and relax on this journey. There was a slight issue with the door not wanting to close at times but it was fine.

As I arrived in Middlesbrough 20 minutes earlier than I thought I had some time to get some photos. Stayed here until about 1050 when I went to Greggs for some scran then briefly returned for photos with me mainly getting this shot of 1443 on the X12. Kuyoyo was also in the bus station at this point and is now probably thinking that I am stalking him.

1110 55 Middlesbrough Bus Station - Eston Square (Stagecarriage KX04HRL)
After quickly getting a shot of 1443 I very swiftly headed back into the bus station for this. When I boarded there was only me and two OAPs on which made for a quiet journey although this Solo did have a few rattles and the engine was not exactly quiet on this one so not the best Solo I've been on but still pretty decent. A few more passengers boarded along the route. I alighted at Eston Square where I was going to get a photo of this but I messed it up as the bus went a different way to what I thought it would go so I just waited for my next bus.

1134 63 Eston Square - Redcar Clock (Arriva 1430)
This was my next bus. Certainty not the best bus Pulsar I've been on as it seemed to make a lot of noise but didn't seem to shift as much as you think it should. Not a great deal else to say about this journey although this is considerably newer than most stuff I have ridden on this service in the past including Prestiges and even managed to get a ride on Prisma 3007 which was a beast Smile

1214 X3 Redcar High Street - Saltburn, Station Square (Arriva 1564)
Sick of the sight of StreetLite's this week after riding Go North East's Coast and Country examples the other day but this was realistically the only way of getting to Saltburn so I was stuck with this although I actually don't mind StreetLite's, I don't love them but they are alright. Used the WiFi to browse the net during the course of this journey. Was a nice short ride on this and pretty good scenery although it was rather wet out. Before I knew it I was in Saltburn.

Had around 20 minutes to kill here before my next bus so I took a photo of the X4 heading towards Middlesbrough and also thought I should walk to the train station which is just over the road for a photo of a Class 142 to kill some more time - click here to see that photo.

1255 271 Saltburn, Station Square - Guisborough Market Place (Stagecarriage DE04XEZ)
This was an interesting one. Felt slightly weird sort of felt like a blast back to the Optare Metrorider. I am not sure what to make of this bus as it was a bit rattily and at times it felt slow but felt alright at others. Rather quiet journey as there was only one other passenger on-board. This was quite an intresting route with lots of hills and turns and had some good views out of the window. Then before I knew it I was in Guisborough.

Quickly ran over the road for a shot of DE04XEZ then when I got back onto the other side of the road then this guy came up to me and started asking me questions about my photo taking such as "why are you doing this" "do you have a website or something" and stuff like that but I felt really nervous as he just came out of nowhere and those of you who met me at the North East Bus and Coach Show rally on Monday will probably noticed when the group first came up to me I was rather nervous and I sort of knew you prior to this but I had zero clue who this guy was and didn't exactly have the friendliest looking face so as he asking these questions I was trying to think of replies whilst being incredibly nervous at the same time. It got worse as I was stuttering the answers and sounded really nervous and he picked up on this and started asking why I was sounding nervous and what was wrong with me then left. This may seem like less of a deal to most of you but for me this is a method of torture. Had about another 10 minutes to wait for the 5 and a few minutes before the bus came he came back but thankfully didn't talk to me again.

1326 5 Guisborough Market Place - Middlesbrough Bus Station (Arriva 1551)
Never been so happy to see a StreetLite in my life! Spent much of this journey trying to relax after what happened before this turned up. Also used the WiFi again for most of this journey. As ever it took an age to get through the traffic lights at Brambles Farm but thankfully not many passengers got off before Middlesbrough Bus Station so it made up a bit of time.

1410 45 Middlesbrough Bus Station - Billingham Town Centre (Stagecarriage VAG606R)
My god this was loud! the roar from the engine on this was immense especially as I had decided to sit at the back, even took my headphones out so I could hear the noise (would have struggled to hear what I was listing to on my iPod Big Grin ). If you think the interior on the MAX Omnicity's look hideous you should see this, pale red flooring with pink seating moquette - ew! although I was not bothered about this, what I was bothered about was the fact the window at the back kept blowing open and the initial response to that was ooh bit nippy! in the end I just my hood up so I couldn't feel the chilly breeze. Quite enjoyed this journey and before I knew it I was at Billingham.

1434 52 Billingham Town Centre - Stockton High Street (Stagecoach 27162)
Not really sure which stop most of the buses stop at here and sure enough I waited at the wrong one. Hopped on this to Stockton. Quite like the seats Stagecoach have in most of their buses, it actually seems like it has some padding whereas on most buses these days the seats are very thin and if someone has their legs, feet or knees against the back of the seat I am sat on it gives me a bad back. Not a great deal else to say about this journey as once I again I took advantage of the free WiFi on offer and sure enough before long I was in Stockton.

1522 84 Stockton High Street - North Tees Hospital (Stagecarriage MX14FUH)
Continuing to sample Stagecarriage's offerings I got this from Stockton. Quite a smart bus this was and was nice to see a fair few passengers on-board on this journey. I decided to only go as far as North Tees Hospital as there isn't really any services to change to after here and it didn't really want to go all the way up to Stillington and back so I alighted here.

1546 37 North Tees Hospital - Stockton High Street (Stagecoach 27172)
Not done this section of the 37 before so it was nice to do this route. Again free WiFi, I think you know what I did next. Not a great deal else to say but this was also a nice ride.

1626 X66 Stockton - Harrowgate Hill Roundabout (Arriva 4647)
Was quite tired by this point so was glad to finally be making my way home. I do like the Arriva Omnicity's and although this isn't the best one I still enjoyed my journey on this even though I was a bit tired of riding buses by this point.

1648 7 Harrowgate Hill - Newton Aycliffe Town Centre (Arriva 7537)
Finally an Enviro on the 7. One good thing about the Enviro 400's on the 7 is out of peak times there is loads of seats to choose from so you are less likely to have someone sit next to you and this journey was no different as there was two children sat at the front, a man and a woman behind the stairs and someone sat at the back upstairs. Thought that this was a bit juddery on this journey especially as we got to the Blue Bridge. As we got to Aycliffe Town Centre I was checking the Arriva Live Map to see if service 5A had left but it wasn't been tracked so I had to guess if it had gone or not but it was sat at the town centre as we got there so I decided to risk it and jump off the 7 and onto the 5A to save walking home...

1659 5A Newton Aycliffe Town Centre - Home (Arriva 1507)
... thankfully got to the bus just before the driver shut the doors and drove off. Nothing to say really as it was a really short journey.

Well that was my outing. Some good and some bad came out of this trip.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as it took an absolute age to write and I hope you all managed to read this far.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
Another weekend, another day out. Today was something different – my Uncle Peter, who was brought up in the Newbottle (near Houghton-le-Spring) area, joined me, using one of the free day of travel scratch cards I obtained at the ''Coast & Country'' launch in Chester-le-Street for his travel. Having discussed last night anywhere in particular he would like to visit, we decided to get the 09:10 (09:04 out of Chester-le-Street) 78 to Sunderland, so he could have a ride on one of the recent entries into service, a ''Coast & Country'' Wright Streetlite. As he is staying at my grandma's, not far from my own house, I would have to wake up at around 08:20 to be there in enough time to meet with him and then start the day.

After hearing my alarm buzzing, I woke up and began the usual procedure of cleaning my teeth, brushing my hair, putting my clothes on and making my bed, before I got all of my equipment for the day ready and left the house at around 08:40. I was along at my grandma's for 08:45, where my uncle and her were sitting in the conservatory talking. They were surprised to see me this early, and after hanging around for a while, we left at 08:55. It was drizzling slightly, and the dampness caused by the rain was pretty evident as we walked to the bus stop. Reached the stop at bang-on 09:00, and talked for a while before he said he could see a green bus coming around the roundabout. Sure enough, a 78 was heading towards the stop, as I had been facing away from the direction it was coming down Ropery Lane I had not seen it. Running a couple of minutes early, we boarded 5399 and I asked for a Get Around. After receiving my ticket, he handed over his scratch card, and a 3+ zones Buzzfare came out of the ticket machine. Took our seats next to each other towards the rear, at my favoured spot in a Streetlite. As we passed through Great Lumley, Bournmoor and Shiney Row, he pointed out things he recognised from his childhood, referencing that Shiney Row's shutters are always down in shops but not in it's people...that might take a bit of working out, but it's a sexual joke. True enough, quite a lot of the places in Shiney Row looked desolate. As we continued through Penshaw, Hastings Hill, etc., the 78 started to fill up. Don't quote me on it, but I'm positive that Peter Barclay boarded somewhere on Chester Road, about 5 or so minutes before Sunderland City Centre.

After we disembarked in Park Lane, I asked my uncle if he would like to have a ride to Houghton-le-Spring, to see how it had all changed since he was last there (think he said he hadn't been back since his parents died over 10 years ago, he's resided in London for about 30 years). Our ride was Scania 4970, slightly less luxurious than the brand new 5399, but a pleasant journey nonetheless. He pointed out quite a few things on the route to Houghton-le-Spring, sitting at the very back looking out of the windows on both sides. My uncle pointed out lot of things regarding pubs that he used to visit when he was younger, along with other now long-gone things. Once we'd arrived in Houghton-le-Spring, we alighted on the main front street, and walked along to the church. After making it to the main bus interchange, in the now dreadful weather, we waited for around 5 minutes, before a ''Red Arrows'' B9TL came into sight. I told him that this passed through his old home of Newbottle, and he asked if we could have a ride through to wherever it went. I happily obliged, and we boarded the very quiet X1 service. I was genuinely surprised at how quiet this ride was – don't know if it was the weather putting people off going out, but for 10:20 on a Saturday morning, I was confused as to why there were only half a dozen people upstairs, and the lower saloon was only half full. Normally at this time they are packed heading to Washington from Houghton-le-Spring and before, in my experience anyway! Passing through Newbottle, he pointed out the old primary school, which now appeared to be closed and pretty derelict. Rather interesting, was the old Philadelphia bus depot that he showed me. Had no idea that that was it, lol.

Once 6006 arrived at Washington Galleries, we alighted. The time was 10:37, so we headed up into the Galleries to kill some time. A ''Whey Aye Five 0'' OmniCity was arriving, with a rather large queue, so we passed on that one and went inside. Still awful outside, we made our way to Costa for a break. Was pretty quiet, so while he ordered, I chose two nice armchairs facing each other with a small table separating them. A couple of minutes later, he brought our beverages across. A hot chocolate for me, and a cappuccino for him; ordinarily, I would pay, but he insisted, so...hehe. The time was 10:50 by this point, and a long conversation on his life in London ensued, before I realised the time was 11:05. Our drinks were still unfinished, so I said we could pass on the 11:09 #50 back to Chester-le-Street and get the 11:22 #8 back instead, so he could ride yet another of the new Streetlites. After finishing up about 5 minutes later, we were back in the bus station at the Galleries for 11:15. We took advantage of some seats in the rather quiet bus station (the morning felt really quiet in some places!), and continued our conversation. All of a sudden, a ''Coast & Country'' Streetlite flew past us, and into the stand for the 8 to Stanley. Surprise, surprise, it was very quiet inside. A couple of minutes early too, so we sat on 5395, our bus was this journey, for a few minutes before departing with a load of around 10 people. In the same seating position as last time, we discussed the latest political news regarding the general election; before we knew it, we were in Chester-le-Street. I've always liked the 8 route between Washington and Chester-le-Street, I think it's because of some of the seemingly scenic stretches of road it travels along between the two locations. The time was 11:41, and my uncle was to be meeting my dad at a pub to watch the football match at 12:00; as the pub was near the top of Front Street – we decided to further milk his day ticket by hitching a lift up there. I was intending to head through to Durham as it was, so this was a perfect coincidence when an ''Angel'' B5 on the 21 to Durham appeared. We joined the short queue to bo  ard, and he alighted at the Black Horse, after thanking me for the morning out. He made his way to meet my dad, and we carried on to Durham, with ''Angel'' 6060 being the vehicle operating this run. Listened to my music, and let the pleasant ride to Durham angelically fly by (I'm sorry).

After disembarking 6060, I headed up to the top of the North Road roundabout. The lighting seemed adequate, so I took a few photos of buses entering/exiting the bus station on North Road. Unfortunately, only a few came out decent after further inspection. By 12:30, I realised that the 128 would be due soon; so I contacted citaro5284 to ask what was allocated to today's service. He informed me that it would be red Streetlite 5401, which I was pleased about, having not yet rode a red example, with no branding. I imagine Greg in Weardale would have also enjoyed this, with no branding covering the windows...haha. Once I'd sighted it heading up to the railway station, I made my way down into the bus station for it to come back down. Minutes later, it showed; I was the only passenger to board at this point, so I had the entire bus to myself. Being a routinely person, I chose to sit at my favourite spot. 5401 really struggled to reverse out of Durham's stand; not sure if this is standard on Streetlites, having just started to ride them regularly recently. Keep stopping, then changing gears, then reversing again, then stopping in the same cycle for longer than one would expect. A father and son boarded at Millburngate, alighting in Sacriston, where I continued to have 5401 all to myself. After hopping off at Beamish, I took a few photos of 5401, before it departed back to Durham, and my ''Waggonway'' 28 service came into sight. A ''Waggonway'' branded Solar was operating this run, which made me happy – I rarely use the 28/28A services, and whenever I have in recent months, it has been a corporate liveried Solar as opposed to a branded vehicle.

Yet another nice trip, even if it did get quite crowded throughout this ride. A couple of passengers were picked up in High Handenhold, a further handful in Pelton, and then about a dozen in Ouston. Further passengers boarded in Birtley, and again in Wrekenton and down Old Durham Road; I recall there were a couple of standees by the time we reached Gateshead Interchange. A few seats became freed up by the handful who alighted here – then the bus lost half of it's load on John Dobson Street, a similar number on Blackett Street; so when we entered Eldon Square, there was myself and about 5 other passengers aboard. Quite enjoyed 4958, the engine noise of a Wright Solar has always been one of fascination to me. I've rode plenty in my time, but it's as if some, particularly those on the ''Loop'' services have a DAF-like noise inside them, which I obviously love, haha. 

With plenty of B10BLEs cropping up on the Deptford-ran 36 service to Chester-le-Street, it was still something of a Wright Renown-free area. Saddens me somewhat, as they were permanent fixtures for many, many years. I was most happy, that after waiting in Eldon Square for a few minutes, a red Volvo appeared on Percy Street. A check of the destination told me it was operating the ''Toon Link'' 11 service to Blackhall Mill. Turned out to be Riverside's 4910, once branded as the ''Soccerbus''. Boarded last, and we set off. Everything seemed fine; until we hit The Gate, some terrible congestion in this area of Newcastle today. Took us around 10 minutes from this point to actually cross the Tyne!! However, I was just happy to be on a Renown, and we reached Blaydon around 15 minutes after crossing the bridge over the Tyne. While on 4910, I saw 3818 on the 97, so I timed it so I could catch up with the Olympian at the MetroCentre. However, I just decided to get the first Renown that passed through back to Newcastle. The first bus to the MetroCentre that passed through Blaydon Bus Station was 6076 on the 10 from Hexham. A ten minute journey, where we hit yet more congestion, but reached the MetroCentre before long. Sat at the rear downstairs, this journey was very quiet for a bus to Newcastle from Hexham; I would have thought it would be a bit busier than 5 people in the lower saloon, and an unknown number upstairs.

I alighted at the MetroCentre, as planned, before watching 6076 depart for Newcastle. Luckily for me, the oldest B10 in the Go North East fleet, 4841 (R841 PRG) came in on a 31, moments later. I boarded and overheard the drivers, who were changing over, talking about the control room telling the new driver to take it easy as he was going to encounter massive delays in Newcastle city centre with police all over apparentely. I winced at the idea of being stuck in yet more traffic, even considering to just get off and hop on an X66 to Gateshead, but for some reason something told me to stay with what I was going with. Don't know what it was, but after experiencing around 5 minutes of traffic coming out of the MetroCentre – we absolutely flew into Newcastle on 4841! One of the best rides of the day, no questions asked. Just Volvo/Wright combination at it's best.

Back in the city centre, we experienced very little traffic. I saw Olympian 3823 leaving on a 46 on Newgate Street, which was a bummer. Moments later, on Percy Street, 3830 leaving on the X71 to Consett also, which further added to my annoyance. However, I was pretty exhausted by this point (yes, sitting on buses all day can drain your energy somewhat!!) so just decided to get the next 21/X21/X25, etc back to Chester-le-Street. The time by this point was 15:35, and another Olympian was entering on a 46, 3822. I just couldn't be bothered, so I opted to board 6058, a Durham-bound 21 pulling into the stand. Causing some confusion was 3862, which had broken down in it's stand at Eldon Square, meaning buses were using unfamiliar stands and leaving everyone a bit confused. A rather uneventful ride back to Chester-le-Street on 6058, just sat at the rear upstairs listening to my music. After alighting in Chester-le-Street, I went for some shopping before the next Durham-bound 21 appeared, 6060 for the second time today, which after a quick driver changeover, dropped me off at my local stop just minutes later.

A log of the day, if you failed to keep reading;

09:09 #78 – Chester-le-Street Durham County Cricket Ground to Sunderland Park Lane Interchange – GNE 5399
09:50 #20 – Sunderland Park Lane Interchange to Houghton-le-Spring Town Centre – GNE 4970
10:19 #X1 – Houghton-le-Spring Church to Washington The Galleries Bus Station – GNE 6006
11:19 #8 – Washington The Galleries Bus Station to Chester-le-Street South Burns – GNE 5395
11:48 #21 – Chester-le-Street Front Street to Durham Bus Station – GNE 6060
12:47 #128 – Durham Bus Station to Beamish Museum Main Entrance – GNE 5401
13:17 #28 – Beamish Museum Main Entrance to Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station – GNE 4958
14:21 #11 – Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station to Blaydon Bus Station – GNE 4910
14:50 #10 – Blaydon Bus Station to MetroCentre Transport Interchange – GNE 6076
15:04 #31 – MetroCentre Transport Interchange to Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station – GNE 4841
15:47 #21 – Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station to Chester-le-Street Front Street – GNE 6058
16:42 #21 – Chester-le-Street Front Street to Chester-le-Street Clifford Terrace – GNE 6060

This took me as many as 3 hours to write, so I seriously hope this is worth it! Tongue Hope everyone enjoyed reading. Smile

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RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(09 May 2015, 9:02 pm)aureolin wrote Good reviews both.

@Jimmi - Sorry to hear about the bother you had. I know it can be a bit intimidating at the time, but don't let it bother you for the future.

It was awful especially with how I am.

Was happy when he left this sort of thing is a nightmare for me to deal with. Was alright once he had gone and I was on the bus out of there.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
My day out yesterday:
08:05 #8 Chester le Street to Stanley. GNE 5407.
08:55 #78 Stanley to Consett. GNE 5405.
09:45 #689 Consett to Hexham. GNE 648.
11:45 (11:51) #X85 Hexham to Newcastle. GNE 5231.
12:53 #X40 Newcastle to Regent Centre. GNE 8329.
14:00 #X40 Gosforth High Street to Newcastle. GNE 4919.
14:28 #309 Newcastle (Civic Centre) to New York Road. GNE 6103.
15:25 #309 New York Road to Newcastle Haymarket. GNE 6116.
16:05 #X21 Newcastle to Chester le Street. GNE 6040.

I recommend the GNE 689 service to anyone that has not tried it and I think it is best doing it in the Consett to Hexham direction due to the higher speed that can be achieved on the down hill sections.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(15 May 2015, 8:50 pm)northern156 wrote Off on a jolly in the North East tomorrow after a Toby Carvery brekkie where soon after Marcus will join me! Smile
I wouldn't wanna go anywhere after an unlimited breakfast haha.
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RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(15 May 2015, 8:55 pm)aureolin wrote I wouldn't wanna go anywhere after an unlimited breakfast haha.
We'll see if I have to be rolled out or carried on a trolley! Wink actually, not THAT hungry yet but only at Hexham now (on 27141).
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[Image: 0a85ed5b4e97324e338555472f222830.png]
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
Over the course of the last week, I've been talking with Sean about a day out on Saturday. He was torn between a North East Explorer and a day out on the railways. Eventually, last night, he decided he was going to come across to the North East for some buses; and we arranged to meet, ranging from Middlesbrough, Durham, Chester-le-Street, and finally to Newcastle. He would arrive any time between 08:20 and 08:30, so he told me he would make his way to a Toby Carvery for some breakfast, then meet me again in Newcastle for around 09:30.

My alarm woke me at 08:10, and I left the house at about 08:35, arriving on Front Street in Chester-le-Street for 08:50. A couple of minutes of waiting at the 21/X21 stand ensued before an ''Angel'' B7 Gemini 1 appeared from Picktree Lane, swinging around at the foot of the Front Street and pulling into the stand to operate the 08:55 #21 service to Newcastle. A person boarded in front of me, making me the second passenger of the day on 3965. Took my seat at the front right hand side upstairs, putting my earphones in and listening to music as the journey through to Newcastle Eldon Square passed by, stopping at every few stops to pick up passengers. Quite busy by the time we hit Gateshead Interchange, where a rather large amount of passengers disembarked, then again in Newcastle – when we were pulling into Eldon Square, I had the upper deck all to myself. I made my way downstairs, where I saw Sean walking out of Haymarket Bus Station, he spotted me also and waited for me to alight in the set-down stand in Eldon Square. 

After greeting him, we made our way up the bus station; one of his aims was to ride ''Toon Link'' service 47 before it gets, in his words, ''ruined''. As my 21 had pulled in at 09:37, we had a couple of minutes to wait before Renown 5148 came out of the layover and into the stand to operate it's next duty on the 47. Boarded this, Sean sat on the right, myself on the left, at the double facing seats towards the rear, with only one other passenger towards the front. Discussed his work, etc., and before we knew it we were at the MetroCentre. While the journey on 5148 was only brief, it was a fantastic B10BLE; having never been on this particular vehicle before, it was another soon-to-go Renown I can tick off. As we alighted in the Interchange; I spotted a plain black OmniCity standing on the 46 back to Newcastle, so we quickly scooted across to the Newcastle-bound Go North East stand, boarding black liveried 5234. Sean and OmniCities are an interesting topic, but he seemed to enjoy the journey on this. Don't know if it was just the novelty of it being black, etc., but as I seem to dislike OmniCities myself, I didn't make much of this journey, as it was only about 15 minutes and practically carrying fresh air! Sean asked if Cramlington was above Blyth, to which a man sitting near us then said ''yes – miles away''before sinking back into his seat. Once we were across the Tyne, Sean suggested we bailed at Central Station for some train photos. The time by this point was 10:05-10:10ish, and the Northern Rail service to Nunthorpe (serving Sunderland – valid on Explorers) was expected on Platform 7 at 10:30. After taking a couple of photos (of which mine are on Flickr) of both a VTEC 91 set, and a Northern Rail Pacer, we headed to Platform 7, where the Northern service to Nunthorpe was standing, idle. There were two sets connected together, one being 142086 and the other 142090. Decided to sit in 142090, which had about a dozen passengers, excluding the two of us. Sean told me about some of his travels, while I commented on how much better 142090 was than 142089, which I had last time I used the Northern service between Newcastle and Sunderland – screaming like no other Pacer, in comparison, 142090 was absolutely fantastic. Screams to a minimum, we arrived in Sunderland at the scheduled time.

After walking up into the streets of Sunderland, we headed towards Park Lane – intending to get the 11:07 #78 from Sunderland to Chester-le-Street. While we waited, and our ''Coast & Country'' Streetlite didn't seem to reveal itself, we spotted a Vyking entering on the 20 to Durham. Had a ride on this to Durham, changing our plan to get a ''MAX'' X12 back to Chester-le-Street, then a ride on the ''Coast & Country'' routes. We discussed various things to pass the time as we sat upstairs on 3980, our vehicle for this run, about an hour after leaving Park Lane, we were entering Durham Bus Station; with quite a heavy load on the upper deck, presumably also downstairs. Sean led us towards the fish and chips place just outside of the bus station, which turned out to be Bell's. Normally go to Bell's when in Durham with family and having the traditional portion of chips from the Bell's in the ''old'' part of Durham. As we stood on the North Road roundabout, I pinched several of Sean's chips, waiting for our ''MAX'' service towards Newcastle, which according to the live map at the time; was running 9(?) minutes late. Surprisingly, Pulsar 1441 showed up, in full ''MAX'' livery, only about 5 minutes late. Went back to the bus station, joining the queue of around 20 people to board, we got two seats together just before the stop... Couldn't help but feel we were invading OAP territory! As we re-entered Chester-le-Street, Sean made a positive comment(!!!) about the nice houses just beyond the Front Street at the top. Unfortunately, we had to watch the 12:45 #8 to Stanley leave right in front of us, a ''Coast & Country'' Streetlite being the vehicle. My first ride on a ''MAX'' Pulsar, and I have to say positive things. While 1441 did feel somewhat underpowered in comparison to other Pulsars I have rode, I enjoyed the seating on this journey, as well as the ''MAXed'' up feeling on this, and intend to use the ''MAX'' X12 service more often as a result of this upgrade.

Headed to Tesco briefly so Sean could stock up on his supplies; when we came out – a ''Venture'' Solo SR (642) was standing with the 78 to Consett, picking up passengers. An opportunity that could not be turned down, so we joined at the end of the queue, leaving right on time. The last time I paid a visit to my grandad's grave was the 31st March, the anniversary of his death. Before that, the 21st March – but seeing as I hadn't been by myself in such a while, I asked Sean if he minded making a pit-stop in Pelton, 7 minutes outside of Chester-le-Street, so I could fulfill this. After disembarking, we walked slowly up to the church, as the next 8 up to Stanley was due in 20 minutes. I went into the graveyard for about 2-3 minutes while Sean faffed on with his camera settings. Once I'd spent a minute or two at his grave, I rejoined him just outside of the church, and headed back down to the bus stop we had alighted at. He commented on how nice a village Pelton seemed, which put a smile on my face, as usually some of the areas around Chester-le-Street are stereotyped as being chavvy. 

A brief wait for the 8 took place, when a ''Coast & Country'' Streetlite came into sight. 5405 was our ride for this journey, Sean's first ''Coast & Country'' – and, despite it being my nearest depot, my first Chester-le-Street based example, with all 4 of my previous ''Coast & Country'' journeys being Stanley based. Sean couldn't get his plug sockets working, although he did seem to enjoy the seating, and also commented on how nice the blue lighting on the gangway was, which I agreed with. Not the first positive comment people have made towards me about the new buses; plenty of people at school have told me how much they love the leather seating, wifi, etc., which I have to say is something long overdue on the popular routes. Before long, we were in Stanley. Saw the line-up of ''Red Kite'' Streetlites parked up in Stanley depot, which was a fantastic sight I must say! After alighting, we headed onto Front Street, where I made a brief visit to Gregg's to refuel, and Sean headed to Pound stretcher. I was told by citaro5284 than Olympian 3822 would be the 14:00 X30/X31 arrival into Stanley, Lanchester-bound. As we re-entered the bus station, just a couple of minutes before 14:00 – Sean asked if we could change plans and get the X43, a Lolyne standing at it's stand, to save us some time. I had no problem with this, and 3822 entered moments after we took our seats on 3860 at the rear downstairs to get the full engine noise, heading to Lanchester, and following was 3825 on the 44A to Newcastle. Sean was adamant we should go for it, but as we prepared to disembark our stationary bus, the doors closed...

As we watched 2 Olympians leave us in Stanley, we spoke about recent fleet movements at the back of 3860, I also told him about the fond memories of Lolynes on Scholars services last year, including all of the fun we used to get up to, I miss it... Enjoyed the very scenic ride to the MetroCentre behind this beast, within half an hour we were pulling into the Interchange for the second time today. Spotted red Mercedes 5332 on the X66 at the other side, which I initially wanted to spit at, but nonetheless followed Sean towards. Only about 10 minutes on the overrated Citaro, which Sean constantly wound me up throughout calling it a ''beast'' and ''the best ride of the day''... Once we'd arrived at Gateshead Interchange, we immediately headed down into the Metro station, intending to get a Metro into Newcastle. A brief two minute wait took place, where 4029, followed by 4006 on the rear appeared with a service for the Coast. Just stood for this very brief hop to Monument station, where we alighted as Sean was in need of the restroom in Eldon Square. After making a brief stop at said location, we headed into the bus station at Eldon Square. Nothing special that we could see, so we opted to head over into Haymarket to see if Sean's favourite Pulsar, 1480 was hanging around. He couldn't see it unfortunately, however our luck turned around when we noticed ALX400 7474 standing with a 43 for Cramlington. Decided to get this as far as Regent Centre. 

The moment we took our seat at the front upstairs (was hoping for the back downstairs – but they were taken by the passengers before us in the queue!), Sean spotted one of the Arriva OmniCities that operates his local 685 route between Newcastle and Carlisle, 4660, on local service 45 to Dinnington. It really was something of a race, as 4660 pulled out of Haymarket before us, then remained ahead of us until Gosforth, where our godly 7474 overtook it at an immense speed; remaining a distance away for the rest of the ride up to Regent Centre, being halted at traffic lights, etc., thankfully for Sean, we arrived there in enough time for him to catch the 45 to Dinnington. I thanked him for the day out, while I headed back across to get the first thing back to Newcastle, as per usual with my Explorers – a trip to Regent Centre for some Arriva traction is a necessity! This turned out to be an X20, operated by 7520, a vehicle I had never seen prior to today. Bus was carrying fresh air, nobody was downstairs and I couldn't see anybody upstairs. Seemed almost strange, as when I see the X20 service leaving Newcastle; it carries a very healthy load. A peaceful ride back to base, the time at this point in the day was 15:25; I could see a Durham-bound ''Angel'' 21 service on Percy Street, so opted to end this fantastic day here and make my way back to Chester-le-Street. The ''Angel'' B5 operating the 15:32 out of Eldon Square was 6057, a personal favourite of mine. Always seemed to be a regular on the 21s I used back from school last year, I somehow became quite fond of it, despite it being nothing special in comparison to the other examples.

As per usual, no comments to make about this. A journey I've made so many times it has almost become a routine. Unlike the 78 service, where a brilliant B10 would always appear, now a Streetlite of course, where I could make comments about various features – there isn't much I can say about this. A small load when we left Eldon Square, a roughly similar amount boarding at Gateshead, then the people using it as local links along the route to Chester-le-Street. After alighting, I made a quick trip to the supermarket and back, in time for the 16:30 #21 service to my local stop. 6070 arrived a couple of minutes before 16:30 at around 16:25-16:27, and left about a third full. Disembarked at my stop, ending yet another fantastic outing.

A log of today, as usual, is below;

08:55 #21 – Chester-le-Street Corals to Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station – GNE 3965
09:44 #47 – Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station to MetroCentre Transport Interchange – GNE 5148
10:02 #46 – MetroCentre Transport Interchange to Newcastle Central Station – GNE 5234
10:26 Northern Rail – Newcastle Central Station to Sunderland Station – Northern Rail 142090+142086
11:09 #20 – Sunderland Park Lane Interchange to Durham Bus Station – GNE 3980
12:26 #X12 – Durham Bus Station to Chester-le-Street Corals – ANE 1441
12:55 #78 – Chester-le-Street South Burns to Pelton Bridge – GNE 642
13:25 #8 – Pelton Bridge to Stanley Bus Station – GNE 5405
13:57 #X43 – Stanley Bus Station to MetroCentre Transport Interchange – GNE 3860
14:29 #X66 – MetroCentre Transport Interchange to Gateshead Transport Interchange – GNE 5332
14:44 T&W Metro – Gateshead to Monument – T&W Metrocars 4029 & 4006
15:01 #43 – Newcastle Haymarket Bus Station to Regent Centre Metro – ANE 7474
15:16 #X20 – Regent Centre Metro to Newcastle Haymarket Bus Station – ANE 7520
15:29 #21 – Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Station to Chester-le-Street Red Lion – GNE 6057
16:27 #21 – Chester-le-Street Red Lion to Chester-le-Street Clifford Terrace – GNE 6070

A great day out, certainly think I milked the Explorer with 15 journeys made. Also, thanks to Sean for the company throughout the day; was greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoyed reading and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Smile

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RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
My log from the last 2 days of covering many many miles!
Friday was a trip to West Yorkshire to sample the a Flying Tiger brand, of which I found the Optare Versas to be absolutely superb! Cummins powered, I love the sound of them Smile even managed to get one on the trip to Bradford on the 737, after passing a Scania on the 757 I wondered if there might be one that went walkies, turned out there was! Next on the list was bashing some of the many new and refurbished E400s in the Arriva Yorkshire fleet, testing out the MAX and Sapphire routes. Didn't quite manage the Sapphire route (110 in Wakefield-Leeds) but the MAX buses I rode were spot on. Plenty of power in those new Enviro 400s on the 202/203 and they're actually well suited to the route, which I never thought I would say given they replaced Volvo B9TL Olympus.
I spent just under an hour at Leeds station on the way back, looking at what operates the various peak services. I am sure when I put the diagrams together that little bit of work will answer some of my many questions!

Friday 15th May
0833 Thornaby - Leeds TPX 185122
1009 Leeds Stn - Airport 757 YT 791
1100 Airport - Bradford Int 737 YT 793
1221 Bradford - Dewsbury 268A AY 1911
1354 Dewsbury - White Rose 203 AY 1923
1435 White Rose - Dewsbury 202 AY 1917
1505 Dewsbury - Wakefield 126 AY 1532
1656 Wakefield Kirkgate - Leeds Northern 158848
1808 Leeds Stn - Royal Armouries 70 FWY 69417

Saturday I played tour guide for Kuyoyo around the Peak District although we spent the morning touring the eastern side of Derbyshire, seeing some of the really good (and not so good!) bits of the Trent Barton network. The really good bus company like to tell us they are really good all of the time. Three 9s within 15 mins in Alfreton when they run a 15 min frequency... Hmm... Huh
Started with one of the more random ways to get to Chesterfield, although the 77 threw up one of the ex council liveried E400s, which went really well for an Enviro of it's age! It's a shame that the Chesterfield end of the Red Arrow appears to have been downgraded to service buses, none of which wear the Red Arrow livery, and one suspects they're trying to dilute the brand enough to get rid of it.... This would leave the flagship Derby to Nottingham service (which funnily enough suffers competition from Yourbus), running every 10 mins with the Red Arrow brand, and new coaches in the pipeline.
The ride on the Transpeak Enviro 200 from Matlock to Buxton was an interesting point in the day. It seems that these have been ordered with a higher spec than normal, both mechanically and internally. I believe the rumour is that these will be pushed elsewhere in the near future though, which would back up why only 4 were ordered and they arrived in the Centrebus orange/blue with the awful, contrasting, green branding applied for the Transpeak service! You can tell Trent really aren't interested in the High Peak operation despite the 50/50 ownership.
Highlight of the day was our ride on my old friend, TM Travel Lowlander YN54SYG on the 65 from Buxton to the delightful village of Litton, for a quick connection to Hulleys service 173 to Bakewell. I was definitely tempted to stay on the 65 all the way to Sheffield though! One of the best Lowlanders around and one of my favourite buses ever since my first ride on it around 6 years ago Big Grin
The trip back to Sheffield gave a good impression of how investment (if it can be called that) from Wellglade has slightly improved the fortunes of TM's Peak District services, where the 218 has received 4 refurbished Scania Solars with an improved half hourly frequency, serving the ever popular Chatsworth House enroute. Unfortunately this has come at the cost of losing the direct service from Sheffield to Matlock.
The trip back home from Sheffield was going swimmingly until I happened to notice on Realtimetrains that my train home from Leeds had been cancelled. A bit of digging later I found out that it was restarting from York. No good for those passengers wanting to join in Leeds of course. Luckily I noticed there was a Newcastle service just 4 mins in front, so checked with the conductor before hopping on that to get to York and catch my original service home! Bit of fun on the way home never spoilt the weekend of course Smile
Will try and get the photos uploaded tomorrow or Monday!

Saturday 16th May
0738 Leeds - Sheffield EMT 43076+43046
0830 Sheffield - Clowne 53 SEM 34573
0925 Clowne - Chesterfield 77 SEM 19317
1050 Chesterfield - Alfreton RA TB 740
1135 Alfreton - Ripley 9.3 TB 476
1202 Ripley - Belper 6.2 TB 692
1304 Belper - Matlock EMT 153326
1337 Matlock Stn - Buxton Transpeak HP 594
1500 Buxton - Litton 65 TM YN54SYG (1171)
1526 Litton - Bakewell 173 HUL YJ62JZT
1625 Bakewell - Sheffield 218 TM FJ03VVM (601)
1747 Sheffield - Leeds XC 220002
1849 Leeds - Thornaby
1845 Leeds - York TPX 185112
1916 York - Thornaby TPX 185129

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Service Manager, Coatham Connect

Bus Related Outings and Reviews
I am sure you'll all be disappointed that I am not out getting photos of the new Red Kite buses but there is good reason for this... I was out on the drink last night [emoji1] Yeah, that and I couldn't be bothered to get up early to get out for photos and I am stuck with a rather basic Sunday service unlike some of you city slickers!

I will do them tomorrow as I feel I could probably do more with a more frequent service. Also I am hoping to get a ride on Stagecoach's Volvo Olympian's and photos although I won't build up much hope for that as I probably won't get any.

May go to Darlington this afternoon for a few photos of some of the changes.
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
(17 May 2015, 6:16 pm)Dan wrote

Anyone considering the Stagecoach Cumbria and North Lancashire Open Day next Saturday? Might be a bit of a pain to get to, from the North East, mind.

I certainly am although I'll be driving from my place. Only 50 minutes by train from Carlisle, more or less every hour. Alternatively the service 300 takes around 1h10m I think.

Rumour has it that this could very well be the last open day held at Lillyhall. Just what I've heard.
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