RE: Anything and Everything
(27 Dec 2015, 9:06 pm)BusLoverMum wrote 2 is easy - if the person is visually impaired, they will usually be able to see what optician's they are going into using their residual vision, but may be under the care of a hospital opthalmologist, anyhow. If they are completely blind, there's nothing that going to specsavers can do for them, so it doesn't matter. [emoji14] Most blind and VI people also have a tongue in their head 
This might help with some of your musings
There's a little here about what guide dogs actually do
It is a funny little insight into what was my sisters mind, some of the stuff she came out with was hilarious...
Going back to #2, she would undoubtedly come out with, what if the person is deaf as well as blind [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
I remember reading somewhere years ago the number of people needed for a Riot to be a Riot officially, I think the number was something like 12, to which she asked if there was 10 people and Siamese Twins, does that count as being 12 people [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY] She would also come out with things like 'I wonder how easy it would be to stage a COOP (Coup)' or 'David, can I kill you, I know the perfect way and I wont get caught', she never did explain the perfect murder, but for years there was a joke among the family she was a serial killer in training as she loved reading all kinds of fictional crime stories
I have a similar thing about thinking about stupid things...
What does a snow plough driver do when it does not snow and how does he get to work when it does snow...
What happens if you put dettol in yakult
If you fart at the Speed of Sound, would you smell it first and not hear it...
[FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY] Just trying to sadly amuse myself [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]