(04 Jan 2016, 9:11 pm)Jimmi wrote I did more than scream when I was in Tesco the other night!

Big'un did more than scream in Sainbury's, too. He was in quite a state and had to be taken to the car while sorted out the stuff at the checkouts, with Littl'un, who was also being a handful after 2 hours in the car. (Thankfully, another customer helped me to pack so I could keep hold of him)
Supermarkets can be horrible, truly overwhelming places when you have sensory processing differences and social anxiety problems. Most of the larger Tesco's are like warehouses with noisy ducting, beeping tills (and obligatory pushy, shovey, gobby other customers) and that little Sainsbury's has some of the same acoustics, as it's not built with a floating ceiling like the older stores. Add in the long journey after a few days away from home along with certain intense and irrational obsessions and that trip was a recipe for disaster, really.