RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews
A mammoth day out, Jamie. I'd have a numb bum after all that travelling by bus! I was going to say something idiotic about just missing you by a couple of minutes at Durham, earlier, but stopped myself when it clicked that it was by 24 hours and a few minutes
Marcus - we did just miss each other today. Twice!
Took the boys to Newcastle, today. Unexciting journey there, since we had littl'un with us. Arrived in Durham after 10:30 on the busy and late running 22 (1600). Not in the best of moods after standing freezing at the bus stop after the app once again didn't switch to telling us the bus was late until it was almost due. It wasn't held up nearby, just like the other times, as all the times prior to when I'd checked it before leaving the house had also changed. Again. To make me even grumpier, the flipping Warburtons lorry was parked up really close to the bus stop and we couldn't see past it to see if the bus was coming without standing in a place that Littl'un took exception to.
We just made it onto the 10:30-something X21 (6302) which was also packed. We all had to sit separately for a little while. Was glad to be able to move to the rear seats with littl'un after the hospital, as he was jiggling rather a lot, virtually on the lap of an old lady, who said "she's no bother" when we moved.
We had some lunch in Newcastle (more hassle) and had a browse around Currys, Fenwick and John Lewis at Laptops, since my old one that Big'un has been using has disintegrated and he doesn't like the one that Husband had spare as it's a metal one that weighs a ton (and doesn't have word on - YET!) In theory, it's meant to be indestructible, but he's more likely to break the floor with it.
After picking up some BISCUITS! and other bits in Waitrose (meant to last him a week, which means at the current rate of eating, they'll be gone by Sunday with no chance of replenishment. Poor deprived boy will have to eat toast and fruit.) we walked into Eldon Square bus station to see 3832 pulling in blinded up for the 46. Sure enough, it pulled into the stand, forming the 13:20 service to Consett. Quite enjoyed the journey on this, even though Littl'un was being a pain because the bells didn't DING! very loud. Steady on the uphill stretches, but not sluggish by any means. It would be nice to see this one preserved when it moves on.
After almost falling off the bus as we exited at Consett, we had a good 20 minutes to wait for our 14:45 15A so I sent Big'un out into the big, scary world, by himself, to take some photos while Littl'un rummaged in my bag for food and stuffed himself with said food. The bus arrived on time, but there was no sign of a driver until a few minutes after it was due to leave. It was 547. I'd be glad never to ride this again. Such an uncomfortable ride in every way. Too bumpy, too cramped and a choice between hot and fusty or too cold.
It was rather full by the time we arrived at the bus station at about 15:20. In need of a leg stretch, having spotted ANE 1575 ready to go onto the 57, we legged it down to Millburngate in the hope of a shot without the sun shining in our faces. Was hard to get a clear and clean view there, too, but big'un managed a half decent pic of it for the location and conditions.
Slightly disappointingly, we didn't manage a no repeat bus day, as our 22 home at 15:37 and a big bit was 1597. Full again - ended up right at the back and arguing with a flaming half full red bull can that some lazy plonker had wedged in the seat
