RE: Go North East - Latest
(29 Dec 2013, 6:32 pm)busman101 wrote There's always something to learn - and it was a similar post match experience today on the 21's as the first few post match buses where heaving with the usual Sunday 10 min frequency.
I still think anything extra on Boxing Day is a tricky one as the costs are so high, you've got to be certain that its going to take enough dosh to cover it. There's some interesting points mentioned on out of town shopping centres etc, but I can't see places like that being worth serving commercially on Boxing Day as most people go by car anyway - I'm thinking the likes of Team Valley, Silverlink, Byker Retail Park etc and possibly even Dalton Park. I think Boxing Day is always going to be a day for the traditional town/city centre locations as that's where the volume's at.
The year the 71's run on Boxing Day will be the year you can join me in Fenwick's winda, showing our respective back ends ! 
The question needs to be asked about why people go in the car to the retail parks on Boxing Day, but buses are deemed to be attractive enough when visiting them at other points of the year - both in the days leading up to Christmas and the days afterwards...
A good partnership with the retail parks, promoting a varied network on Boxing Day could be one way forward...
The town centres of Houghton and Chester won't ever attract the masses on Boxing Day, so your back end, Fenwicks window and the passing crowds on Northumberland Street are safe for now!
Not surprised the post match buses were busy again.
Shoppers and the same number coming out of SJP as Thursday, all be it with a few more options getting home than the other day...
Saw this interesting quote from Plato the other day.
A good decision is based on knowledge, not on numbers.
Quite apt I thought in the circumstances as there is knowledge in the organisation.
It just needs to be used better.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'