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Further Arriva Durham diagrams to be covered by Go North East

Further Arriva Durham diagrams to be covered by Go North East

Site Administrator
Further Arriva Durham diagrams to be covered by Go North East
Go North East have started to operate two further diagrams for Arriva Durham due to their staff shortage.

6912 & 6915 operated said diagrams on Thursday and Friday of this week (on loan to Chester-le-Street from Riverside) but two Tynedale Links branded Solos will become the preferred allocation from next week. 721 is the only one of the pair to have transferred so far:

[Image: 51122703578_f617432844.jpg]Go North East: 0721 / KY63VTL by Daniel Graham, on Flickr
RE: Further Arriva Durham diagrams to be covered by Go North East
Dan do you have a full list of the duplicates which Go North East are working on behalf of Arriva & Stagecoach with the timings for the aforementioned workings?
RE: Further Arriva Durham diagrams to be covered by Go North East
I know 5506 was displaying the following on its roller blinds yesterday.

Two Ball Lonnen
Duplicate Service

Or eords to that effect, the number 12 was displayed on the number blind.
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