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Site Administrator
Competitions "child forum"
Hey guys.

As always, Brandon has been working very hard on the "Bygone Area", and it looks great - as we'll all agree!
As part of a discussion between North East Buses management to "clean up" the forum, we decided that it would be much better if we collected all competitions and games into one child forum appropriately named, "Competitions". I have spent a small amount of time this evening sorting all of this out, and the result can be seen by clicking here.

The sub-forums within the "Competitions" child forum speak for themselves in all honesty, but I'll give you a quick walkthrough on this post too.

Montly Photo Competition
No changes have been made to the threads inside of this sub-forum, it was simply changed from a child forum into a sub-forum while "cleaning up" the forums (so it now appears to be more categorised as opposed to being under "The Canteen"). All members can post in this sub-forum.

All smaller competitons (that don't require an individual sub-forum like the Monthly Photo Competition does) will have a thread placed in here. The new "Guess The Bus" thread can be found in here. All members can post in this sub-forum.

Past Winners
All past winners of competitions and monthly leaderboard scores will be posted here. You can keep up-to-date on the monthly scores in here, as well as see all winners for that month too. Each competition/game has its own thread. In the case of the "Guess The Bus" competition, the leaderboard will actively be updated (every time a point is added) on the actual competition thread's OP, but a monthly update will occur on the thread found in this sub-forum.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me - just click 'PM me' below.
