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Yes or no wood have done
(28 Jul 2020, 1:00 am)glen wrote [ -> ]Yes or no wood have done
Why not do the research yourself?
Bustimes shows 27242 hasn't returned and all other Enviros are currently in service bar 27163 which has been off since Saturday.
Thanks for info mate
Any more 37’s to be painted yet!
Shields E200 at Sunderland been told from a mate going over to depot now I’ll report back with fleet number

Thanks mate for info!
I’ll always be putting info on here as Sunderland is my local depot
That’s ok thanks. any of you buses being painted yet, also is 11299 still in the Paint shop!
We have had our e300s while 11299 is nearly done
Can you send me a photo of what it looks like!
(30 Jul 2020, 3:33 pm)Robin58 wrote [ -> ]Can you send me a photo of what it looks like!

It'l look like every other bus in the new fleet livery though as all the local North East liveries are the same Wink
I mean with it rubbed down from all white!
Was Just arrived so no sanding yet
Won't do think of stagecoach new colour do you like it sorry it later mates
(31 Jul 2020, 2:02 am)I like itglen wrote [ -> ]Won't do think of stagecoach new colour do you like it sorry it later mates
I like it
Is Stockton E300 27242 back at Stockton yet.
Any sign of 37303 in the paint shop yet at wheatshef depot!
(31 Jul 2020, 1:58 pm)glen wrote [ -> ]Is Stockton E300 27242 back at Stockton yet.

(01 Aug 2020, 7:38 am)Robin58 wrote [ -> ]Any sign of 37303 in the paint shop yet at wheatshef depot!
Not being funny but it's not hard to have a quick look at bustimes and answer that for yourself.
27242 still not showing as back at Stockton and 37303 is on services 3/4/7/8 today so not at Sunderland.
Sorry for asking tyresmoke!
I’m not going to depot today I will next week
Thanks ThomasBooth123 for that message. Yours Robin
ADL E300 27728 re-entered service on Thursday in the new Stagecoach local livery.

ADL E300s 27734 (currently in the old corporate livery) and 27739 (which was recently repainted into the new stagecoach local livery) have both been off the road (not tracking) for over a week.
37303 was indeed out in service today still in original livery. All the 37xxxs that have been going to Sunderland must be having works done rather than for repaint as that’s 3 reported to be there for repaint that have returned without it.

Kind regards

I like the new stagecoach livery,was a bit 'in your face' at first,but now more buses are appearing in the livery you can slowly get used to it, i suppose this year or next we'll say bye to the 58 plate E400's, theyre starting to look,sound,and smell their age now, just going off when they sent the 07/57 plates which were a similar when they were sent to other divisions, im sure they 58 plates have skipped repaint,well, so far anyway
11299 is back in service at Newcastle after repaint, photo was post by Sean White on the Uk bus enthusiasts facebook page.
Haven't seen 27242 is getting repaint sill and don't how get over site.
(03 Aug 2020, 7:56 pm)glen wrote [ -> ]Haven't seen 27242 is getting repaint sill and don't how get over site.
I’m told 27242 has returned to Stockton today. 27250 has gone the other direction to Sunderland
Thanks for info mate
Hi can someone take a photo of 27242 If can please.
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