Continuing the very irregular theme of sharing local bands with local scenes in the videos.
Sounding very Pet Shop Boys-esque, here's Dubstar with a model of The Alf Roberts Carpark in Gateshead.
Every so often I listen to this, check to see if it's appeared on Spotify, realise it hasn't and then fall in to a Gazetta Italia wormhole.
'Today's match sees high flying Fiorentina taking on a Foggia side who are hovering dangerously above the relegation zone.
Expect goals a plenty on this unusually warm, spring afternoon in Northern Italy'...
Chilled house music, exotic football and James Richardson sitting outside a cafe, reading the papers, supping a coffee and looking debonaire when he's at it.
It's another local band!
The video for this wasn't filmed locally, but apparently they were the next lot in to the studio after the cast and crew for 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' left.
Whatever happened to John Kettley?
Johnny Briggs/Kevin Websters sister is also appears in the link, introducing the band and saying they will go far!
The next appearance in the semi-regular local band and/or local locations appearing in a music video is: Roy Budd with the Get Carter Theme Tune
Granted, only seconds of Central Station appear. But it still counts.