I thought I would create a thread relating to School and University/College. It's not so much about exams or tests, but about school life in general.
First of all, I'll just tell you. I'm in Secondary School, and I must say, although I've never been seriously bullied (occasionally teased), I think a lot of the learning co-ordinator's/heads of year don't tackle bullying enough, despite a NO BULLYING policy. I've never blamed people for taking stuff into their own hands, because they don't receive any help.
Also, one problem I occasionally face in day to day school life; is teachers. Fair enough I'm considered a bright young man, but my teachers often see me as an opinionated, sackless idiot. The problem is, going back to learning co-ordinator's, if you stand up to a teacher whose having a go at you, they don't care about the way they verbally abused you, they punish you for standing up to them.
Anybody think similar on the way schools these days work?
My school life is probably pretty different to yours, and I know we get away with a hell of a lot of stuff we wouldn't in a normal school.
Our teachers get a hell of a lot of cheek from us, and most of them actually laugh as if it's some sort of banter we have with them.
I know I've had a full blown argument with one of my teachers before, with my entire class just sitting there awkwardly listening. I'm a teacher's worst nightmare in an argument because I can literally sit there and quote the school policies and inform the teacher how they've failed to abide by them and how they are therefore not fulfilling their duty as a teacher. Usually finish up an argument with a smartarse comment along the lines of, "If you think you're right - you can come and discuss this with me and the Head after this lesson?" They soon pipe down.
There are some great teachers in my school though. Really get on well with a lot of them, and can sit there and talk for an hour or so when I'm free and they aren't teaching. Even better when they're up for a bitch about other teachers too!

(17 May 2014, 8:36 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]My school life is probably pretty different to yours, and I know we get away with a hell of a lot of stuff we wouldn't in a normal school.
Our teachers get a hell of a lot of cheek from us, and most of them actually laugh as if it's some sort of banter we have with them.
I know I've had a full blown argument with one of my teachers before, with my entire class just sitting there awkwardly listening. I'm a teacher's worst nightmare in an argument because I can literally sit there and quote the school policies and inform the teacher how they've failed to abide by them and how they are therefore not fulfilling their duty as a teacher. Usually finish up an argument with a smartarse comment along the lines of, "If you think you're right - you can come and discuss this with me and the Head after this lesson?" They soon pipe down.
There are some great teachers in my school though. Really get on well with a lot of them, and can sit there and talk for an hour or so when I'm free and they aren't teaching. Even better when they're up for a bitch about other teachers too! 
My Design/Art teacher is just like that. She'll tell you absolutely ANYTHING.
I myself have had an argument with a teacher. One of the History teachers at my school teachers me another subject under the Humanities department known as Explore. It was Period 5 on a Wednesday, and while she was babbling on about how her boyfriend (god knows how she got one)'s mother owned a hair salon, and one of my mates stated openly that he was bored.
Suddenly she started to have a go at him to the point that he began to bubble and cry. I stood up and told her to back off, and that the kid had sensitivity issues. She sent me outside.
We continued outside, and I told her that I had heard stories where a student had told her to 'F*** off' and that she then had a tearful meltdown. I then called her nothing but an 'insecure mess', and as I re-entered the room, she curled up in a ball outside, crying her eyes out.
I didn't feel the slightest bit of remorse, and everyone clapped in agreement. As she pulled herself together, we openly discussed everything we hated about her.
Fair enough she may have been upset by what I said, but she needed to take a hard look at herself.
(17 May 2014, 8:40 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]I agree totally. Bullying ISN'T taken taken seriously enough in schools these days. The teachers don't care about it, and my form tutor is one of the most useless people I've met in my life. I did get bullied occasionally, and at one point last year it got serious when it turned into physical abuse, and when I went to see my form tutor about it she said ''we will investigate it'' in a don't care kind of tone. Nowadays, I just don't give them a reaction, as I am a calm person and don't get angry very much, so nothing they do makes me really irritated. I'd never take matters into my own hands, because what's the point? I'm giving them precisely what they want. Why have a no bullying policy when they don't give a toss about bullying?
Most teachers treat me like dirt, quite simple. I'm in most of the top sets for my lessons. Yesterday, because I found the work hard and didn't get all of the work done and got sent to the head of maths. Then, when I returned to my subject teacher she called me a ''lazy little boy'' like I was some short of toddler. That made me really annoyed. However, my IT teacher is really nice, and it's one of my favourite subjects so it's really nice to have a teacher who cares about me and helps me with any problems I have. Same with the MFL teacher, while I don't particularly like the subject, she helps me with the work, and ensures I get a good level. So yeah, I hate school most of the time.
I've often had dreams before where I rounded up (I'm surprisingly popular, surprisingly due to buses) a load of my top men (including the toughest kids in the year group), and as the teachers scattered for their lives, everyone got hammers, chisels, hard objects etc from the Design Block and threatened them. It was a lovely dream, and us students took over the school.
It is a long while since I was at school - just to keep it bus related, the scholars was often a mk1 National

I never really noticed any bullying, either with me or my mates.
There was always a bit banter and the odd fight, but not on the scale that would be classed as bullying.
If anyone ever crossed the line with me, I always thought I could stand up for myself, either verbally or physically.
There was one occasion when one of the kids with learning difficulties tried getting me and a mate into trouble and accused us of bullying him.
On getting into the form room one morning, me and my mate were summoned to the head of year - who got straight to the point and asked why we had been bullying this lad.
Our faces must have been a picture - until we both blurted out that he had been on holiday for the last two weeks and until we got into the form room, we hadn't seen him at all.
It must have dawned on the head of year, that she was being taken for a mug and she quickly sent us on our way.
No idea what happened to Billy Bullsh!tter, but we kept out of his way and made sure everyone else knew what he had been up to - including the form teacher when we got back to the room.
Whilst pleased the school were obviously clamping down and being proactive, they certainly went about it the wrong way that morning.
(17 May 2014, 8:57 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Really? I wouldn't have thought the kids would have took it well that your into buses! I won't tell anyone about my hobby, because I don't know how they would take it, and if the bullying would get any worse.
Yeah that would be great
- There are a few teachers I'd love to hit across the head with a hammer.
My IT teacher is absolutely fantastic. I've often had issues within the lesson with other students, and she's the only teacher who's managed to calm me down, and the only one who cares about me. While I may not look annoyed, I am. She deals with the problems in a discreet way, and usually talks to be out in the corridor or in a different room about what's happened, and she's the only teacher as of yet who has took the bullying seriously. She often talks to me about football too (as she is a big footy fan) and often makes me feel better within the lesson. What all teachers should be like in my opinion.
I take my ticket book into school everyday, I was surprised at how people took to my hobby as well. Also, my best friend Rhys was born with severe brain damage, but got a lucky escape with his autism as fortunately he can speak, unlike many unfortunate, trapped, autistic people. We do everything together, and people see me as a good person for the way I care about his well-being (it's a bit like Del Boy and Rodney from Only Fools) and how he is seen in society. It's not that I try to make it look like a good deed, I genunily do care about Rhys, otherwise he wouldn't be my best friend. One kid was impersonating his lisp one time in an English lesson, so I fired a water bottle at his head.
People constantly ask to see how my collection's coming on, even some of the crummy, corrupt teachers. I suppose I am quite fortunate. To be honest, it's not like I 'came out of the closit' about buses and marched into tutor one day like I was about to announce my sexuality; people just began to notice my keen interest in the subject and things gradually sprung from there. I've never been bullied about it, and hopefully never will.
(17 May 2014, 8:59 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]It is a long while since I was at school - just to keep it bus related, the scholars was often a mk1 National
I never really noticed any bullying, either with me or my mates.
There was always a bit banter and the odd fight, but not on the scale that would be classed as bullying.
If anyone ever crossed the line with me, I always thought I could stand up for myself, either verbally or physically.
There was one occasion when one of the kids with learning difficulties tried getting me and a mate into trouble and accused us of bullying him.
On getting into the form room one morning, me and my mate were summoned to the head of year - who got straight to the point and asked why we had been bullying this lad.
Our faces must have been a picture - until we both blurted out that he had been on holiday for the last two weeks and until we got into the form room, we hadn't seen him at all.
It must have dawned on the head of year, that she was being taken for a mug and she quickly sent us on our way.
No idea what happened to Billy Bullsh!tter, but we kept out of his way and made sure everyone else knew what he had been up to - including the form teacher when we got back to the room.
Whilst pleased the school were obviously clamping down and being proactive, they certainly went about it the wrong way that morning.
Billy Bullsh**er! Haha! I'm gonna use that from now on.
(17 May 2014, 9:05 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]I take my ticket book into school everyday, I was surprised at how people took to my hobby as well. Also, my best friend Rhys was born with severe brain damage, but got a lucky escape with his autism as fortunately he can speak, unlike many unfortunate, trapped, autistic people. We do everything together, and people see me as a good person for the way I care about his well-being (it's a bit like Del Boy and Rodney from Only Fools) and how he is seen in society. It's not that I try to make it look like a good deed, I genunily do care about Rhys, otherwise he wouldn't be my best friend. One kid was impersonating his lisp one time in an English lesson, so I fired a water bottle at his head.
People constantly ask to see how my collection's coming on, even some of the crummy, corrupt teachers. I suppose I am quite fortunate. To be honest, it's not like I 'came out of the closit' about buses and marched into tutor one day like I was about to announce my sexuality; people just began to notice my keen interest in the subject and things gradually sprung from there. I've never been bullied about it, and hopefully never will.
Yeah, I can get along with anyone, as long as they respect me, I'll respect them, regardless of any disabilities, skin colour or sexuality. I wouldn't judge anyone by the way they look. I don't have any form of ADHD, or autism, unlike many other enthusiasts though, as I do think most enthusiasts do have ADHD or autism, whether that be mild autism or not. Sorry, but that's shocking judging people and taking the mick out of someone just because they have a lisp. Good on you for throwing that water bottle of their head
But yeah, I'm a really calm person, and I'd imagine many people would kick off if they were being bullied constantly. It actually got to a point where I was considering moving school for a fresh start, but decided against it as I thought it'd be the same everywhere. While the bullying has reduced significantly, I still get bullied of some people, but don't give them a reaction, and try my best to keep away from people who tease me or make me annoyed. The bullying has also caused me to suffer with anxiety problems.
(17 May 2014, 9:12 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]He's best mates with Billy Big Bollocks!
Alrighty guys, this has just made my night!

(17 May 2014, 9:15 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]Alrighty guys, this has just made my night! 
Who is cousins with Billy Brown-noser.
(17 May 2014, 9:23 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]Who is cousins with Billy Brown-noser.
Who is friends with Billy Big Pants

(17 May 2014, 9:25 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Who is friends with Billy Big Pants 
hahahaha, who the hell is Billy Big Pants?

(17 May 2014, 9:25 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Who is friends with Billy Big Pants 
Ever heard of Peter Poo Pants?
(17 May 2014, 9:28 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote [ -> ]hahahaha, who the hell is Billy Big Pants? 
I've heard it used before -
Billy big pants
Just looked on the side of that page and there is a few variations of Billy Big Bollocks :L
(17 May 2014, 9:31 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]I've heard it used before - Billy big pants
Just looked on the side of that page and there is a few variations of Billy Big Bollocks :L
I thought you had just made it up :p
Never heard of it before
Out of interest, how does the Design and Technology department work in various schools? I know it's different in several schools, but we have one lesson of: Food, Graphics and Materials each week. I know in a friends school they do a double lesson of each subject for ten weeks, then move onto the next.
Art is totally different to technology in my school, and is linked to Creative Arts and music. I don't get Drama/Performing Arts thankfully.
(17 May 2014, 9:55 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Out of interest, how does the Design and Technology department work in various schools? I know it's different in several schools, but we have one lesson of: Food, Graphics and Materials each week. I know in a friends school they do a double lesson of each subject for ten weeks, then move onto the next.
Art is totally different to technology in my school, and is linked to Creative Arts and music. I don't get Drama/Performing Arts thankfully.
In my school we have Art and Design teachers teach both subjects but under the Technology department, and we get 1 Art and 2 Design per week. The topics are often related, like we create a piece of Music in Music for our artwork, then a scene to go with it in Drama.
Just to make things easier, I'll give you all my
Period 1 - Science
Period 2 - German
Period 3 - P.E.
Period 4 - French
Period 5 - Design
Period 1 - Maths
Period 2 - P.E.
Period 3 - Maths
Period 4 - I.T.
Period 5 - English
Period 1 - R.E.
Period 2 - German
Period 3 - Explore
Period 4 - English
Period 5 - Explore
Period 1 - Explore
Period 2 - Science
Period 3 - Art
Period 4 - Music
Period 5 - Design
Period 1 - English
Period 2 - French
Period 3 - Science
Period 4 - Maths
Period 5 - Drama
See, my timetable is a lot different to that! What is explore?
Period 1: Maths
Period 2: Ethics
Period 3: English
Period 4: Music
Period 5: Design/Food
Period 6: MFL
Period 1: Art
Period 2: English
Period 3: Games
Period 4: Science
Period 5: LAMS
Period 6: ----
Period 1: Graphics
Period 2: MFL
Period 3: Maths
Period 4: Science
Period 5: English
Period 6: History
Period 1: Science
Period 2: Tech Materials
Period 3: Maths
Period 4: Games
Period 5: English
Period 6: Creativity
Period 1: Science
Period 2: Geography
Period 3: MFL
Period 4: Maths
Period 5: Info-Tech
Period 6: Business & Enterprise
(17 May 2014, 10:17 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]See, my timetable is a lot different to that! What is explore?
Period 1: Maths
Period 2: Ethics
Period 3: English
Period 4: Music
Period 5: Design/Food
Period 6: MFL
Period 1: Art
Period 2: English
Period 3: Games
Period 4: Science
Period 5: LAMS
Period 6: ----
Period 1: Graphics
Period 2: MFL
Period 3: Maths
Period 4: Science
Period 5: English
Period 6: History
Period 1: Science
Period 2: Tech Materials
Period 3: Maths
Period 4: Games
Period 5: English
Period 6: Creativity
Period 1: Science
Period 2: Geography
Period 3: MFL
Period 4: Maths
Period 5: Info-Tech
Period 6: Business & Enterprise
Explore's a junior version of Humanities, taught by Humanities teachers. It just discusses issues like poverty and racism. Also what does that row of ----s mean? A free?
(17 May 2014, 10:22 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]Explore's a junior version of Humanities, taught by Humanities teachers. It just discusses issues like poverty and racism. Also what does that row of ----s mean? A free?
Oh right, we get all humanities lessons. Is there a reson you don't get Geography/History?
We finish early on Tuesdays

(17 May 2014, 10:28 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Oh right, we get all humanities lessons. Is there a reson you don't get Geography/History?
We finish early on Tuesdays 
We scrap Explore in Year 9 and get 3 lessons of History a week, then the next week, 3 lessons of Geography, then 3 of History again in that same cycle.
(17 May 2014, 10:29 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]We scrap Explore in Year 9 and get 3 lessons of History a week, then the next week, 3 lessons of Geography, then 3 of History again in that same cycle.
Oh right - Explore sounds a bit like Ethics what we get.
Period 1: Maths
Period 2: English
Period 3: Geography
Period 4: Lunch
Period 5: History
Period 6: Biology
Period 1: English
Period 2: MFL
Period 3: Chemistry
Period 4: Lunch
Period 5: Art
Period 6: Music
Period 1: Tech
Period 2: How Science Works
Period 3: Maths
Period 4: Lunch
Period 5: English
Period 6: MFL
Period 1: Physics
Period 2: RE
Period 3: PE
Period 4: Lunch
Period 5: English Skills
Period 6: Maths
Period 1: PE
Period 2: Maths
Period 3: RE
Period 4: Lunch
Period 5: MFL
Period 6: PSHE
Well, I don't follow this timetable anymore what with me being on 'study leave', but y'know...
Period 1: (09:15am - 10:15am) - Maths
Break: (10:15am - 10:30am)
Period 2: (10:35am - 11:35am) - Business Studies
Period 3: (11:40am - 12:40pm) - English
Lunch: (12:40pm - 13:45pm)
Period 4: (13:55pm - 14:55pm) - Maths
Period 5: (15:00pm - 16:00pm) - Chemistry
Period 1: (09:15am - 10:15am) - Biology
Break: (10:15am - 10:30am)
Period 2: (10:35am - 11:35am) - Business Studies
Period 3: (11:40am - 12:40pm) - French
Lunch: (12:40pm - 13:45pm)
Period 4: (13:55pm - 14:55pm) - Chemistry
Period 5: (15:00pm - 16:00pm) - P.S.H.E
Period 1: (09:15am - 10:15am) - I.C.T
Break: (10:15am - 10:30am)
Period 2: (10:35am - 11:35am) - English
Period 3: (11:40am - 12:40pm) - Biology
Lunch: (12:40pm - 13:45pm)
Period 4: (13:55pm - 14:55pm) - P.E
Period 5: (15:00pm - 16:00pm) - P.E
Period 1: (09:15am - 10:15am) - I.C.T
Break: (10:15am - 10:30am)
Period 2: (10:35am - 11:35am) - Physics
Period 3: (11:40am - 12:40pm) - French
Lunch: (12:40pm - 13:45pm)
Period 4: (13:55pm - 14:55pm) - Media Studies
Period 5: (15:00pm - 16:00pm) - Maths
Period 1: (09:15am - 10:15am) - Maths
Break: (10:15am - 10:30am)
Period 2: (10:35am - 11:35am) - Physics
Period 3: (11:40am - 12:40pm) - English
Lunch: (12:40pm - 13:45pm)
Period 4: (13:55pm - 14:55pm) - English
Period 5: (15:00pm - 16:00pm) - Media Studies
At GCSE level, you're timetabled to get two hours of each lesson you choose to take as well as an extra two hours for Maths and English to cope with the 'more intense' syllabus. In addition, you get one lesson of P.S.H.E (where we essentially watched episodes of Panorama with one teacher or played "Heads Down Thumbs Up" with the other teacher) and two lessons of P.E.
I 'dropped' P.S.H.E in favour of having an additional free period. Officially it's down as an extra Media Studies lesson (as I've taken the Dual Media Studies Award), but in reality it was just me going to the I.C.T room and messing about.
I also 'dropped' P.E, for the same reason as above. Ended up where, if I was by myself, I'd update the fleet lists for NEB. If I wasn't, I'd just have a laugh with the person/people I was with. Wasn't supervised or anything, so really was a free afternoon.
Soon after this, more people started finding ways to get out of P.E (i.e. to do Controlled Assessments) and the P.E department ended up giving up. Towards the end, nobody was doing P.E apart from those who took it as a GCSE subject. We're meant to get one period of it in Sixth Form too, but there's a fat chance that's happening as I've not done a single P.E lesson in over a year now.
Best thing about Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays is that you essentially go home whenever you want after half three. That's when most teachers start disappearing if they have a free last lesson and if the teacher is on 'bus duty', they tend to let you out before then anyway. Some of them stick to the rules and don't let you out until 16:00 on the dot, but most just let you go when you want. Here's hoping nobody works for any sort of educational department on the forum!

(17 May 2014, 8:36 pm)Dan wrote [ -> ]My school life is probably pretty different to yours, and I know we get away with a hell of a lot of stuff we wouldn't in a normal school.
Our teachers get a hell of a lot of cheek from us, and most of them actually laugh as if it's some sort of banter we have with them.
I know I've had a full blown argument with one of my teachers before, with my entire class just sitting there awkwardly listening. I'm a teacher's worst nightmare in an argument because I can literally sit there and quote the school policies and inform the teacher how they've failed to abide by them and how they are therefore not fulfilling their duty as a teacher. Usually finish up an argument with a smartarse comment along the lines of, "If you think you're right - you can come and discuss this with me and the Head after this lesson?" They soon pipe down.
There are some great teachers in my school though. Really get on well with a lot of them, and can sit there and talk for an hour or so when I'm free and they aren't teaching. Even better when they're up for a bitch about other teachers too! 
So you are what my old granddad, god rest his soul, would call a cocky little shit, I was exactly the same, I would quote things like The Childrens Act and the UNCRC at people whopissed me off
(17 May 2014, 8:47 pm)Marcus wrote [ -> ]My Design/Art teacher is just like that. She'll tell you absolutely ANYTHING.
I myself have had an argument with a teacher. One of the History teachers at my school teachers me another subject under the Humanities department known as Explore. It was Period 5 on a Wednesday, and while she was babbling on about how her boyfriend (god knows how she got one)'s mother owned a hair salon, and one of my mates stated openly that he was bored.
Suddenly she started to have a go at him to the point that he began to bubble and cry. I stood up and told her to back off, and that the kid had sensitivity issues. She sent me outside.
We continued outside, and I told her that I had heard stories where a student had told her to 'F*** off' and that she then had a tearful meltdown. I then called her nothing but an 'insecure mess', and as I re-entered the room, she curled up in a ball outside, crying her eyes out.
I didn't feel the slightest bit of remorse, and everyone clapped in agreement. As she pulled herself together, we openly discussed everything we hated about her.
Fair enough she may have been upset by what I said, but she needed to take a hard look at herself.
Ouch, you did a good job destroying her...I remember my sister once said to her R.E. Teacher that she must be due for retirement, teacher got upset and ran out the class in tears.
For me school was hard, I was brutally bullied, and also picked on by teachers, in years 10 and 11 I only had 4 friends in the world, teachers made life hard for me and there was only one teacher I ever got on with at that time, the bullying was so bad, that 2 decades on, I am still coming to terms with what happened in my teen years
(21 May 2014, 8:22 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]So you are what my old granddad, god rest his soul, would call a cocky little shit, I was exactly the same, I would quote things like The Childrens Act and the UNCRC at people who
pissed me off
Ouch, you did a good job destroying her...I remember my sister once said to her R.E. Teacher that she must be due for retirement, teacher got upset and ran out the class in tears.
For me school was hard, I was brutally bullied, and also picked on by teachers, in years 10 and 11 I only had 4 friends in the world, teachers made life hard for me and there was only one teacher I ever got on with at that time, the bullying was so bad, that 2 decades on, I am still coming to terms with what happened in my teen years
Not as bad as your case, but exactly what happens to me mate. I get through it though and stay strong

(21 May 2014, 8:35 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Not as bad as your case, but exactly what happens to me mate. I get through it though and stay strong 
The torment I recieved was shocking, my mother went up to school and the headmaster flat out denied any bullying happened in his school and my head of year told my mother that I pretty much brought it all on myself which still fucking angers me to this day. My main problem was and always has been, I find learning hard, I am intelligent and bright, I had a private education for 4 years and some how ended up in the bottom sets of every lesson I took in a Comprehensive School, come away with no qualifications and been picking up the pieces ever since...
(21 May 2014, 8:47 pm)marxistafozzski wrote [ -> ]The torment I recieved was shocking, my mother went up to school and the headmaster flat out denied any bullying happened in his school and my head of year told my mother that I pretty much brought it all on myself which still fucking angers me to this day. My main problem was and always has been, I find learning hard, I am intelligent and bright, I had a private education for 4 years and some how ended up in the bottom sets of every lesson I took in a Comprehensive School, come away with no qualifications and been picking up the pieces ever since...
Yeah me too - get called some horrible things and it's not nice. It's what made my anxiety worse and worse to a point where I couldn't take it anymore and broke down.
I'm bright and in most of the top sets which is a pro, as long as I leave school with some qualifications it'll be worth it. But the anxiety will be there with me for the rest of my life.
(21 May 2014, 8:52 pm)Tom wrote [ -> ]Yeah me too - get called some horrible things and it's not nice. It's what made my anxiety worse and worse to a point where I couldn't take it anymore and broke down.
I'm bright and in most of the top sets which is a pro, as long as I leave school with some qualifications it'll be worth it. But the anxiety will be there with me for the rest of my life.
The only advice I give kids now, Don't fuck it up, dont be like me...
Hopefully things will change for you once you leave school, getting yourself on a good college course, I started to come out my shell when I went to College, doing a course I never thought I would do, Performing Art, best thing I ever did at that point in my life when I was 17...
Anxiety and Depression is hard to beat, it is a cancer of the mind, it may stay with you for life, that is only if you let it, if it is taken hold now, then you need to find some help mate, otherwise you will be the wrong side of 30 if you let it take hold, take it from me...
I have been there and I am living with the consequences of being fucked up as a kid...
The same message goes to anybody else who suffers depression, anxiety or nervousness, do something and act sooner rather than later