- 11 Mercedes Citaros to Washington for the Whey Aye Five 0 to standardise fleet at Washington
- 10 Mercedes Citaros to Riverside for the Green Arrow, Scania L94UB Wright Solars would go into Corporate Livery
- 8 Mercedes Citaros to Riverside for The Loop, Scania L94UB Wright Solars would go into Corporate Livery
- 8 Scania Omnicities allocated to Percy Main for the Blue Arrow
- 5 Scania Omnicities allocated to Chester le Street for the Waggonway
- Other remaining Omnicities would be allocated to the 13/14 & X25 at Chester le Street, and spares at Percy Main for the 11
- Volvo B9TL's would reallocated to Stanley for the 6/X30/X31/X70 & X71