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RE: Blind displays

(04 Oct 2019, 7:14 pm)BeachBoy99 wrote

Hi everyone.

So for those who are aware, I'm working on bus drawings based on GNE liveries. Within these, I show the routes on all three blinds (front, rear and side). One problem I'm facing with a few is that the via points displayed on the front blind don't fit on the rear as the rear blinds are shorter.

Example is below – the drawing I'm focusing on is Loop 93.

Destination: Gateshead loop

Via points: VIA Low Fell then Heworth

Front display: [Image: CLGZQOM.png]

Rear display: [Image: hCSltor.png]

Obviously from the references here, the via points don't fit on the rear display. I was under the impression that the via points would be the same on both displays, but what would the solution be here? I had exactly the same problem yesterday trying to produce the display for service 35 to Low Moorsley, for which at one point the blind displays VIA Sunderland & Houghton and therefore also doesn't fit on the rear.

Any solutions? Anyone have any good quality photos of these? Probably asking for too much here...

Thanks Smile

So I clicked the urls in your post and got the following images. Appreciate I'm not the most tech savvy when it comes to posting urls, but I'd go for a dowel joint and McLeans.



'Illegitimis non carborundum'

Blind displays
RE: Blind displays
RE: Blind displays
RE: Blind displays
RE: Blind displays
RE: Blind displays
RE: Blind displays
RE: Blind displays
RE: Blind displays
RE: Blind displays